正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]船舶受外力作用发生横倾前后的重力(),重心横坐标()。
  • A.相等;不变

  • [单选题]某轮到港时排水量Δ=15000t,dM=8.15m,TPC=25t/cm。现在港卸货1000t后又加载500t,之后由标准海水区域进入水密度为1.006g/cm3的区域,其吃水为()m。
  • C.8.06

  • [单选题]船舶进出不同水密度水域时平均吃水改变量计算公式为。公式中,密度ρs为()。
  • C.标准海水密度

  • [单选题]The difference between the starboard and port drafts caused by shifting a weight transversely is().
  • list

  • [单选题]()refers to the depth of a vessel below the waterline,measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull,propellers or other reference points.
  • Draft

  • [单选题]The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().
  • metacenter

  • [单选题]The ship has()of more than 10 meters at full load.
  • a draft

  • [单选题]Where must the draft marks be placed on a small passenger vessel? ()
  • All of the above

  • 推荐下载科目: 石油及其产品的种类和特性题库 交通工程学题库 道路工程题库 船舶重量性能和容积性能题库 影响吃水差的因素及吃水差的调整题库 固体散货船运输题库 保证货物运输质量题库 船舶大倾角静稳性题库 对船舶稳性的要求题库 船舶动稳性题库
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