正确答案: B


题目:()is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes.

解析:该题的关键词为"an abstract operation、 performed in different ways in different classes",其语句结构为"()is a property of object-oriented software",含义为"什么是面向对象软件的一个特性",结合关键词分析,容易判断这是面向对象中的多态性概念(Polymorphism)。

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  • [单选题]The()provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.
  • projectcharter

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"authority to apply organizational resources",其语句结构为"The____(主语)provides(谓语)the project manager with the authority to apply organizationalresources",含义为"什么为项目经理提供了使用组织资源的权力",根据项目管理知识,为项目经理授权的文件为项目章程,所以应该选择选项D,其他选项容易排除。

  • [单选题]Project Quality Management must address the management of the project and the()ofthe project. While Project Quality Management applies to all projects,regardless of the nature of their product, product quality measures and techniques are specific to the particular type of product produced by the project.
  • product

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"Project Quality Management、product quality measures and techniques"。题干包含三个单独的语句,但其逻辑关联紧密,可注意到后两句是对前一句的补充说明,其语句结构分别为"Project Quality Management(主语)must address(谓语)","Project Quality Management(主语)applies(谓语)to all projects","product quality measures and techniques(主语) are specific(谓语)to the particulartype of product produced by the project",首句说明项目质量管理必须关注项目的管理以及项目什么的管理,后两句则说明项目生成的特定产品的度量与技术因产品的不同而有差异。根据语句的逻辑关系,应该选择选项C。

  • [单选题]()is a category assigned to products or services having the samefunctional use but different technical characteristics. Itisnotsameasquality.
  • Grade

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"same functional use、 different technical characteristics",其主要语句结构为" ()is a category",含义为"什么是类别",后续的定语从句说明category都有什么特点,即功能相同而技术特征不同,而这正是等级( Grade)的定义。所以选择选项B。

  • [单选题]Project()Management is the Knowledge Area that employs the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage,retrieval, and ultimate disposition ofproject information.
  • Communication

  • 解析:该题的关键词较多,不过都是并列的关系,包括"ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval, and ultimate disposition、 projectinformation"。其主要语句结构为"Project()Management(主语)is(谓语)the Knowledge Area",含义为"项目什么管理是知识领域",后续的定语从句说明该知识领域的特点。其实根据关键词"Proj ect information"考生可以很容易识别出来应该是项目沟通管理。

  • [单选题]The receiving activities conduct analyses of the requirements with the requirements provider to ensure that a compatible, shared understanding is reached on the meaning of the requirements. The result ofthis analysis and dialog is an()set of requirements.
  • agreed-to

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"compatible, shared understanding",其主要的语句结构为"The result of this analysis and dialog(主语)is(谓语)an____set of requirements(表语)",含义为"分析和讨论对应的结果为一组什么的需求",根据题意,应该是达成一致的需求集,所以从选项中识别短语,判断短语的正确形式,此处应该选择agreed-t0。agree with表示同意某人,agree to表示同意某事,此处的"同意"作为形容词性质出现,所以应该使用agreed to形式,其他都不对。

  • [单选题]The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software()can show the behavior of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other.
  • Sequencediagram

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"Unifled Modeling Language. behavior of systems、 objects interactwith each other",其语句结构为"()(主语)can show(谓语)the behavior of systems(宾语)in terms of how objects interact with each other",含义为"什么可表示系统对象之间交互的行为",结合选项分析,可知该题考察的知识点在于UML的不同视图之间的区别。根据UML视图定义,可知应该选择顺序图。

  • [单选题]Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing()and schedule control by order.
  • activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule development

  • [单选题]The parties to government procurement refer to the principal entities of all kinds that enjoy rights and undertake obligations in government procurement, including the procuring entities, the ()and the procuring agencies.
  • suppliers

  • [单选题]Fair and(1) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product(2)and performanceimprovements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authoritiesget the best (3)for the public they serve.

  • 推荐下载科目: 计算机网络知识题库 面向对象系统分析与设计题库 典型应用集成技术题库 初级网络管理员题库 项目风险管理题库 文档与配置管理题库 战略管理概述题库 组织级项目管理与大型项目管理题库 知识管理题库 软件工程知识题库
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