正确答案: A


题目:In addition to lubricating, cylinder oil assists in forming a gas seal and contains () which clean the cylinder liner.

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  • [单选题]对商船动力装置的基本要求是()。
  • A+B+C

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  • 在拆卸下来的零件配合面上做好记号

  • [单选题]An aluminum piston has lower inertia and higher coefficient of () compared to that of cast iron.
  • thermal expansio

  • [单选题]In an ordinary diesel engine the fuel injection begins ()
  • before TDC

  • [单选题]In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the piston ring belt, the "piston ring belt" means ().
  • piston ring area

  • [单选题]The main bearing shells are made of steel with a lining of bearing metal which may be white metal, copper-lead or aluminum-tin alloy What is the meaning of “which” in the sentence above?()
  • bearing metal

  • [单选题]The piston supporting body is mainly subjected to () stress.
  • compressive

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