
题目:材料:   风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还。荆轲以此得名,而短短的两句诗乃永垂于千古。在诗里表现雄壮的情绪之难,在于令人心悦诚服,而不在嚣张夸大:在能表现出那暂时的感情后面蕴藏着的更永久更普遍的情操,而不在那一时的冲动。大约悲壮之辞往往易于感情用事,而人在感情之下便难于辨别真伪,于是字里行间不但欺骗了别人,而且欺骗了自己。许多一时兴高采烈的作品,事后自己读起来也觉得索然无味,正是那表现欺骗了自己的缘故。《易水歌》以轻轻二句遂为千古绝唱,我们读到它时,何尝一定要有荆轲的身世。这正是艺术的普遍性,它超越了时间与空间而诉之于那永久的情操。"萧萧"二字诗中常见。古诗:"白杨多悲风,萧萧愁杀人。""风萧萧"三字所以自然带起了一片高秋之意。古人说"登山临水兮送将归",而这里说:"壮士一去兮不复还",它们之间似乎是一个对照,又似乎是一个解释,我们不便说它究竟是什么,但我们却寻出了另外的一些诗句。这里我们首先记得那"明月照积雪"的辽阔。"明月照积雪",清洁而寒冷,所谓"琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒"。《易水歌》点出了寒字,谢诗没有点出,但都因其寒而高,因其高而更多情致。杜诗说"风急天高猿啸哀",猿啸为什么要哀,我们自然无可解释。然而我们不见那"朔风劲且哀"吗?朔风是北风,它自然要刚劲无比,但这个衷字却正是这诗的传神之处。那么壮士这一去又岂可还乎?一去正是写一个劲字,不复还岂不又是一个哀字?天下巧合之事必有一个道理,何况都是名句,何况又各不相关。各不相关而有一个更深的一致,这便是艺术的普遍性。我们每当秋原辽阔,寒水明净,独立在风声萧萧之中,即使我们并非壮士,也必有壮士的胸怀,所以这诗便离开了荆轲而存在。它虽是荆轲说出来的,却属于每一个人。"枯桑知天风,海水知天寒",我们人与人之间的这一点相知,我们人与自然间的一点相得,这之间似乎可以说,又似乎不可以说,然而它却把我们的心灵带到了一个更辽阔的世界去。那广漠的原野乃是生命之所自来,我们在狭小的人生中早已把它忘记,在文艺上乃又认识了它,我们生命虽然短暂,在这里却有了永生的意味。专诸刺吴王,身死而功成;荆轲刺秦王,身死而事败。然而我们久已忘掉了专诸,而在赞美着荆轲。士固不可以成败论,而我们之更怀念荆轲,岂不正因为这短短的诗吗?诗人创造了诗,同时也创造了自己;它属于荆轲,也属于一切的人们。(选自林庚《说(易水歌)》)   问题:   (1)文章论述的中心观点是什么.请简要概括。(4分)   (2)怎样理解"诗人创造了诗,同时也创造了自己;它属于荆轲,也属于一切的人们"?请结合文本内容简要分析。(10分)   一首诗所描写的是某一个人物,但是也能使阅读这首诗的人们产生共鸣。所以"诗人创造了诗,同时也创造了自己;它属于荆轲,也属于一切的人们"。(3分)

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  • [单选题]根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的规定,提高中小学教师队伍整体素质( )。
  • 以农村教师为重点

  • 解析:《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》第五十三条规定:以农村教师为重点,提高中小学教师队伍整体素质。创新农村教师补充机制,完善制度政策,吸引更多优秀人才从教。故选择A。

  • [单选题]新义务教育法规定,国家实行( )年义务教育制度。
  • 解析:《中华人民共和国义务教育法》第二条规定,国家实行九年义务教育制度。故选择A。

  • [单选题]进行个人作品系统收集,以明确当前成就和进步过程的成长记录袋评价属于( )。
  • 质性评价

  • 解析:质性评价主要是在描述的基础上进行评判,通常表现为书面的"鉴定"或"评语"。质性评价的基本形式有观察法、档案袋评价、评语法、访谈法等。

  • [单选题]小红最近有个毛病,写作业时总是觉得不整洁,擦了写,写了又擦,反反复复,她明知这样做没有必要,就是控制不住,她可能出现了( )。
  • 强迫症

  • 解析:强迫症包括强迫观念和强迫行为,强迫行为指当事人反复去做自己不希望执行的动作,如果不这样想、不这样做,就会感到极端焦虑.

  • [单选题]班主任工作的中心环节是( )。
  • 组织和培养班集体

  • 解析:小学班主任工作的内容非常多,主要有八方面的工作:了解学生、组织和培养班集体、建立学生档案、班会活动、协调各种教育影响、操行评定、写好工作计划与总结。其中,了解学生是班主任工作的前提和基础:组织和培养班集体是班主任工作的中心环节。故选择A。

  • [单选题]有些平时很勤劳的学生在大扫除时懒懒散散,不爱干活,这种现象是( )。
  • 社会情化

  • 解析:社会情化是指个人与群体其他成员一起完成某种事情时,或个人活动时有他人在场,往往个人所付出的努力比单独时偏少,不如单干时出力多,个人的活动积极性与效率下降的现象。

  • [单选题]Passage 1 NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for Sports Illustraied. In other words, he "came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent. According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere "in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians." "Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now. "A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous dra~; balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase "coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women "came out" in being officially introduced to society. The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so "coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men. It is unclear exactly when gay people start.ed using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of 'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that "coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking. "Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.
  • What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  • The meaning of "coming out" is becoming wider and wider.

  • 解析:文章最后一段讲述了"出柜"一词的隐喻意,而随着社交群体的宽泛,"出柜"一词已经不再暗指隐秘,可见其意思越来越宽泛了。

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