正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]防止拉缸的工艺措施主要是()。Ⅰ.保证活塞运动装置的安装精度;Ⅱ.保证活塞运动装置的对中性;Ⅲ.采用波纹加工;Ⅳ.采用精车加工;Ⅴ.采用研磨加工。
  • D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]High-speed rotating in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force () larger than the force of gravity.
  • many thousand times

  • [单选题]The work fuel does in each working cycle can be obtained by taking the ().
  • indicator cards

  • [单选题]In diesel engines designed with a crosshead, the motion of the piston rod can be described as ().
  • straight reciprocation

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