正确答案: C
题目:My father has been on the salary schedule in this factory for nearly 20 years.
解析:【答案】C【解析】pay packet“工资袋”;payoff“还清债”;payroll“工资表”;payment“支付”。
阅读材料,回答下面的题目。The Diminishing Scientific Leadership of the U, S.With the rapid globalization of science itself ( more than 40 percent of scientific Ph.D. students trained in the United States are now foreign nationals, roughly half of whom return to their countries of origin ) , the once undisputed U.S.scientific lead, whether relevant to product lead or not, is diminishing. The competition of foreign students for positions in U.S.graduate schools has also contributed to making scientific training relatively unattractive to U.S.students, because the rapidly increasing supply of students has diminished the relative rewards of this career path. For the best and brightest from low-income countries, a position as a research assistant in the United States is attractive, whereas the best and brightest U.S.students might now see better options in other fields. Science and engineering careers, to the extent that they are opening up to foreign competition ( whether imported or available through better communication ) , also seem to be becoming relatively less attractive to U.S. students. With respect to the role of universities in the innovation process the speculative boom of the 1990s( which, among other things, made it possible to convert scientific findings into cash rather quickly ) was largely unexpected.The boom brought universities and their faculties into much closer contact with private markets as they tried to gain as much of the economic dividends from their discoveries as possible. For a while,the path between discoveries in basic science and new flows of hard cash was considerably shortened. But during the next few decades, this path will likely revert toward its more traditional length and reestablish in a healthy way, the more traditional ( and more independent ) relationship between the basic research done at universities and those entities that translate ideas into products and services.In the intervening years, another new force also greatly facilitated globalization: the rapid growth of the Internet and cheap wide-bandwidth international communication. Today, complex design activities can take place in locations quite removed from manufacturing, other business functions and the consumer. Indeed, there is now ample opportunity for real-time communication between business functions that are quite independent of their specific locations. For example, software are development, with all its changes and complications, can to a considerable extent be done overseas for a U.S.customer.Foreign call centers can respond instantly to questions from thousands of miles away.The result is that low-wage workers in the Far East and in some other countries are coming into even more direct competition with a much wider spectrum of U.S. labor: unskilled in the case of call centers; more highly skilled in the case of programmers.
阅读材料,回答下面的题目。The New Technology ApplicationOn a more mundane level, third-generation mobile telephones, despite all the delays and the billions squandered on 3G licenses by telecom firms, are still expected to offer consumers high-speed, always on mobile internet access, complete with video, in the next few years.Rapidly proliferating "WiFi" networks already offer wireless access on a local basis. Tiny tracking chips called radio-frequency identification devices are being used as pet passports.Soon they will be small, powerful and cheap enough to be implanted into everything form humans to milkcartons recording and transmitting real-time medical data, or serving as a form of inventory control.Sensors of every kind, including video cameras, should also become much smaller and cheaper.Forrester Research, a technology consultancy, predicts that 14 billion such devices will be connected to the internet by 2005.How rapidly such new technology is introduced will depend on a number of factors the state of the economy, the supply of investment capital and the appetite of consumers for new products or services ! Fortunes will be made and lost many times over.But whatever happens, the power of computing and communications look set to continue to grow, and its price to fall, at a steady rate for the next few decades.That will make it possible, at least in rich countries, to record most human interactions, wherever and whenever they take place, and to store and analyze this ocean of data at low cost.For the sake of argument, this survey will assume that we are heading towards a networked society of ubiquitous, mobile Communication capable of constant monitoring.Whether this arrives in 20,30 or 40 years does not really matter.The point is that the destination seems not merely possible, but probable, so it is not toosoon to ask: What do we want this technology to do?The internet has already thrown up a host of legal and political conundrums, but, these are only a small foretaste of the dilemmas about privacy, security, intellectual property and the nature of government itself that will have to be faced over the coming decades.The debate has already begun. This survey will outline some of main issues, and speculate on the way they are likely to go. Radio-frequency identification devices__________.
阅读材料,回答下面的题目。A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal ( 绝经后 ) women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years, found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease. The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk. A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers. This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention, followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group. They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics ( 有氧运动) and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading. They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women, 47% said walking was their only recreational activity. Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week. Dr. Alpa Patel, a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, who led the study, said: "Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women. We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women." "More strenuous ( 紧张的) and longeractivities lowered the risk even more." Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign, said: "This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added: "We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."All of the following factors relating to cancer risk were mentioned in the EXCEPT__________.
根据材料,完成下面的题目。Public Relations Public relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases,designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image. Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm, usually in the51of press releases or press conferences. Since public relations involves communications with stockholders, financial analysts, government officials, and other noncustomer groups, it is usually.52outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to top management. Thisorganizational placement can be a 53 because the public relations department or consultant will likely not be in line with marketing efforts. Poor communication and no coordination can be the54. Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence55 the public image, this influence generally maybe less than 56 provided by the other components of the public image mix. Publicity nay be in the form of news releases that have57overtones for the company initiate by the public relations department. Publicity on the other 58 should not be divorced from the marketing department,as it can 59 a useful adjunct( 辅助 ) to the regular advertising. 60 , not all publicity is initiated by the firm; some can 61from an unfavorable press as a reaction to certain actions or lack of 62that are controversial or even downright ill-advertised.The 63we wish to emphasize is that a firm is deluding( 自欺 ) itself if it thinks its public relations function,whether within the company or an outside firm, can take 64 of public image and opportunities. Many of these have to do with the way the 65 does business, such as its product quality, the servicing and handling of complaints, etc.请在第__(51)__处填上正确答案。
回答下面的题目:When Ruth and Eliiot Handler was young, they had a strong desire to be highly successful.
回答下面的题目Kicking the Habit What is a bad habit? The most definition is that it is something that we do regularly, almost without thinking about it, and which has some sort of negative consequence. This consequence could affect those around us, or it could affect us personally. Those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. Bad habits are part of what makes us human. Many early habits, like sucking out thumb, are broken when we are very young. We are either told to stop doing it by our parents, or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same habit, and we gradually grow out of it. It is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem. Unless we can break that habit early on, it becomes a part of our life, and becomes "programmed" into our brain. A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change out habits, it is the old ways that tend to win, especially in situations where we are rushed, stressed or overworked. Habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back. During the study program, the researchers showed a group of volunteers several pictures, and gave them words to associate with them. They then showed the volunteers the same picture again, and gave them new words to associate with them. A few days later, the volunteers were given a test. The researchers showed them the pictures, and told them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one. It came as no surprise that their answers were split between the first set of words and second. Two weeks later, they were given the same test again. This time, most of them only gave the first set of words. They appeared to have completely forgotten the second set. The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time. We may try to change out ways, but after a while, the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned. The more that response is used, the more automatic it becomes and the harder it becomes to respond in any other way. The study therefore suggests that over time, our bad habits also become automatic, learned behavior. This is not good news for people who pick up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break them. Even when we try to put new, good intentions into practice, those previous learned habits remain stronger in more automatic, unconscious forms of memory.Boys usually develop bad habits when they are very young.
回答下面的题目:Traffic in Uur CitiesTile volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continuesto expand.This causes many problems,including serious air pollution,lengthydelays,and the greater risk__________ (51)accidents.Clearly,something must be done,but it is often difficult to persuade people to__________ (52)theirhabits and leave their cars at home.One possible__________ (53)is to make it more expensive for peopleto use their cars by__________ (54)charges for parking and__________ (55)tougherfines for anyone who__________ (56)the law.In addition,drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes atdifferent times of the day.This system,__________ (57)as“road pricin9”,is alreadybeing introduced in a__________ (58)of cities,using aspecial electronic card__________ (59)to the windscreen of the car.Another way of__________ (60)with the problem is to provide cheapparking on the__________ (61)of the city,and strictly control the number ofvehicles allowed into the centre.Drivers and their passengersthen use a special bus__________ (62)for the final stage of their journey,Ofcourse.the most important__________ (63)is to providegood public transport.However,toget people to__________ (64)the comfort of their cars,publictransport must be felt to be reliable,convenient andcomfortable,with fares__________ (65)at an acceptablelevel.