正确答案: B

Information collected and elicited by smartphones from your life.

题目:21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   Self-driving vehicles threaten to send truck drivers to the unemployment office.Computerprograms can now write journalistic accounts of sporting events and stock price movements.There are even computers that can grade essay exams with reasonable accuracy,which could revolutionizemy own job.Increasingly,machines are providing not only the “brawn” but the brains,too.And thatraises “the question” of where humans fit into this picture-who will prosper and who won't in thisnew kind ofmachine economyr?   Within five years we are likely to have the world's best education,or close to it,online andfree.But not everyone will sit down and go through the material without a professor pushing themto do the work.   Your smartphone will record data on your life and,when asked,will tell you what to do,drawing on data from your home or from your spouse and friends if need be.“You’ve thrown outthat bread the last three times you’ve bought it,give it a pass” will be a text message of the future.How about “Now is not the time to start another argument with your wife”? The GPS is just the beginning of computer-guided instruction.Take your smartphone on a date,and it might vibratein your pocket to indicate “Kiss her now.” If you hesitate for fear of being seen as pushy,it may write:“Who cares ifyou look bad? You are sampling optimally in the quest for a lifetime companion.”   A lot ofjobs will consist of making people feel either very good or very bad about themselves.Coaches,mentors and disciplinarians will spread to many areas oflife,at least for those of us whocan stand to listen to them.These people will cajole us,fiatter us and shame us into improving ourlives,our work habits and our consumption.   Computing and software will make it easier to measure performance and productivity.   It will be harder to gloss over our failings and maintain self-deception.In essence everyone will suffer the fate of professional chess players,who will always know when they have lost a game,have an exact numerical rating for their overall performance,and find excuses for failure hard tocome by.   Individuals will have many measures of their proficiency.They will have an incentive todisclose that information to get the better job or social opportunity.You'll assume the worst aboutthose who keep secrets,and so openness will reign.Many of us will start to hate the idea of Big Data.

解析:细节题。根据第三段的第一句“Your smartphone will record data on your life and,when asked,will tell you what to do,drawing on data from your home or from your spouse and friends if need be.”可知,智能手机通过记录你的生活数据,从而告诉你应当做什么,这使得智能手机发送的指令是有价值、可靠的。故本题选B。

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  • [单选题]下列能体现德育方法中榜样示范法的是( )。
  • 桃李不言.下自成蹊

  • 解析:A项"惩前毖后,治病救人"指把以前的错误作为教训,使今后小心谨慎,不再犯类似的错误;B项"言者无罪,闻者足戒"指提意见的人只要是善意的,即使提的不正确,也是无罪的。听取意见的人即使没有对方所提的缺点错误,也值得引以为戒;C项"有则改之,无则加勉"是指对别人给自己指出的缺点错误,如果有,就改正,如果没有,就用来提醒白己不犯同样的错误;D项"桃李不言,下自成蹊"意思是桃树李树有芬芳的花朵、甜美的果实,虽然不会说话,但仍然能吸引许多人到树下赏花尝果,以至于树下走出一条小路出来。比喻一个人做了好事,不用张扬,夸耀,向别人邀功,人们就会记住他。

  • [单选题]教育的心理起源说的代表人物是( )。
  • 孟禄

  • 解析:心理起源论者认为,教育起源于儿童对成人的无意识的模仿,其主要代表人物是美国教育学家孟禄。桑代克和沛西·能是生物起源说代表人物。

  • [多选题] 阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 2016年里约奥运会上,中国女排在前期战局不利、对手强大的情况下,艰苦拼搏,最终战胜塞尔维亚队,又一次登上世界女排的顶峰。国人沸腾,自然而然地称赞"女排精神"。记者采访女排主教练郎平,希望她谈谈"女排精神"。她回答:"不要因为我们赢了一场就谈女排精神,也要看到我们努力的过程。女排精神一直在,单靠精神不能赢球,还必须技术过硬。"   综合材料的内容,联系社会生活,写一篇论说文。   要求:   用规范的现代汉语写作。角度自选,立意自定,标题自拟,不少于1000字。

  • [单选题]《学会生存》-书指出:"未来的学校必须把教育的对象变成自己教育自己的主人。受教育的人必须成为教育他自己的人:别人的教育必须成为这个人自己的教育。"这符合素质教育的( )特征。
  • 主体性

  • 解析:《学会生存》-书所倡导的受教育对象成为教育主体的观点,突出强调受教育者在接受教育过程中的主体地位。这一说法符合我国素质教育特征当中的主体性特征。

  • [单选题]提出道德认识发展阶段的代表人物是( )。
  • 科尔伯格

  • 解析:科尔伯格用两难故事法,在道德判断的发展方面鉴别出了六个阶段。他将这些阶段划分成三种道德水平:前习俗水平、习俗水平和后习俗水平。

  • [单选题]( )主编的《教育学》试图用马克思主义认知论,科学地解释教学过程,揭示学生认识的特点,概括教学过程的基本环节,阐明教学应采用的原则,方法与组织形式,强调教师在教学中的领导作用。
  • 凯洛夫

  • 解析:凯洛夫主编的《教育学》试图用马克思主义认知论,科学地解释教学过程,揭示学生认识的特点,概括教学过程的基本环节,阐明教学应采用的原则、方法与组织形式,强调教师在教学中的领导作用。赫尔巴特的代表作是《普通教育学》,卢梭的代表作是《爱弥儿》,杜威的代表作是《民主主义与教育》。

  • [单选题]Passage 2   The subject of ballads, books and films,Robin Hood has proven to be one of popular   culture's most enduring folk heroes. Overthe course of 700 years, the outlaw fromNottingham shire who robs the rich to giveto the poor has emerged as one of the most enduring folk heroes in popular culture andone of the most versatile. But how has thelegend of Sherwood Forests merry outlaws evolved over time?Did a real Robin Hoodinspire these classic tales?   Beginning in the 15th century and perhaps even earlier, Christian revelers in certain partsof England celebrated May Day with plays and games involving a Robin Hood figure withnear-religious significance. In the 19th century,writer-illustrators like Howard Pyle adaptedthe traditional tales for children, popularizingthem in the United States and around theworld.More recently, bringing Robin to thesilver screen has become a rite of passagefor directors ranging from Michael Curtiz andRidley Scott to Terry Gilliam and Mel Brooks.   Throughout Robins existence, writers,performers and filmmakers have probed theirimaginations for new incarnations thatresonate with their respective audiences.In 14th-century England, where agrarian discontent had begun to chip away atthe feudal system, he appears as an anti-establishment rebel who murders government agents and wealthy landowners. Latervariations from times of less social upheaval dispense with the gore and cast Robin as a dispossessed aristocrat with a heart of gold and a love interest, Maid Marian.   Academics. meanwhile have combedthe historical record for evidence of a realrobin Hood English legal records suggestthat, as early as the 13th century, “Robehod,”“Rabunhod”and other variations had become common epithets for criminals. But what hadinspired these nicknames: a fictional tale,an infamous bandit or an amalgam of both?The first literary references to Robin Hood appear in a series of 14th-and 15th-century ballads about a violent yeoman who lived inSherwood Forest with his men and frequently clashed with the Sheriff of Nottingham.Rather than a peasant, knight or fallennoble, as in later versions, the protagonistof these medieval storiesis a commonerLittle John and Will Scarlet are part of thisRobin's “merry”crew--meaning, at the time, anoutlaws gang--but Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and Alan-a-Dale would not enter the legend untillater, possibly as part of the May Day rituals.   While most contemporary scholarshave failed to turn up solid clues, medieval chroniclers took or granted that a historicalRobin Hood lived and breathed during the 12thor 13th century. The details of their accountsvary widely, however, placing him in conflictingregions and eras. Not until John Majors“History of Greater Britain”(1521), for example,is he depicted as a follower of King Richard,one of his defining characteristics in moderntimes.   We may never know for sure whetherRobin Hood ever existed outside the versesof ballads and pages of books. And even ifwe did, fans, young and old, would still surelyflock to England's Nottinghamshire region for a tour of the legends alleged former hangouts,from centuries-old pubs to the Major Oak inSherwood Forest. What we do know is thatthe notion of a brave rebel who live on theoutskirts of society, fighting injustice andoppression with his band of companions, hauniversal appeal-whether he's played by ErrollFlynn, Russell Crowe or even, as on a 1979 episode of“The Muppet Show,” Kermit the Frog.
  • Which of the following is closest in meaningto the underlined phrase “a rite of passage”in Paraqraph 2?

  • A milestone event

  • 解析:根据画线词定位到文章第二段。该段主要讲述了在不同时期,Robin hood的形象从充满宗教色彩,到融人儿童故事,再到被搬上大荧幕的经历变化。A rite of passage所在句子意为“将Robin的形象搬到荧幕上对各位导演来说,已经成为。A项“一件具有里程碑意义的事”,B项“一项头等议程”,C项“一个宗教仪式”,D项“一项特权”。A项最符合原文意思。故选择A。

  • [单选题]If someone says“I know the word”,he should not only understand its meaning but also be able to pronounce,spell,and________it.
  • use

  • 解析:本题考查词汇教学。词汇教学的内容包括词义、词汇信息(词的拼写和发音等)、用法、词汇学习策略。所以“知道”一个单词除了能够发音、拼写、了解它的词义外,还要会使用它。故本题选D。

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