正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]可靠性定义中所述及的“规定的条件”,包括()。Ⅰ.环境温度、压力、湿度;Ⅱ.振动;Ⅲ.承受的负荷
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]涡轮壳体局部腐蚀较重,可采用()修理。
  • 焊补

  • [单选题]如果两根中间轴连接法兰的位置处于两轴承间距的中间,则轴系会出现()。Ⅰ.轴系挠度过大;Ⅱ.轴系难以准确对中;Ⅲ.安装不方便
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]舵杆弯曲变形时直线度误差>2mm/m,允许采用()修复。
  • 热校直

  • [单选题]Fuel is not supplied to the corresponding cylinders due to ().
  • a failure of fuel pum

  • [单选题]The correct tightening is obtained by use of () to measure the extension given to the bolts.
  • stretch gauges

  • [单选题]Since the engine doesn’t work well, you’d better () as soon as possible.
  • all the above

  • [单选题]A VLCC (100,000 DWT+) with a 30,000 Shaft Horsepower Steam Turbine is slow to respond to engine movements and has less stopping power than normal ships because it has a().
  • smaller power weight ratio

  • 推荐下载科目: 轮机维护与修理题库 起重设备题库 船机零件的腐蚀题库 修船过程中的组织管理题库 喷射泵题库 船舶半导体理论题库 船舶资源管理题库 远洋货运单证题库 柴油机系统题库 船机零件的修复工艺题库
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