[单选题]Organizations are now extending their () beyond the end customer to include the acceptance and disassembly of final products for reuse in the new products.
正确答案 :D
Internal functions
[单选题]Railroads own about ()of their car fleet.
正确答案 :B
[单选题]()is the disadvantage for air transportation?
正确答案 :D
the highest cost in all transport modes
[单选题]What is the meaning of trend?()
正确答案 :A
General direction
[单选题]What are transported mainly by water? ()
正确答案 :B
Heavy, bulky and low value commodities
[单选题]()doesn’t need to change package of goods or to stop in any place between the origin and destination
正确答案 :A
Through transport
[单选题]()is software about the relation between the customer and the supplier in marketing.
正确答案 :A
Customer Relationship Management
[单选题]()is the place to store the goods imported without paying duty and under customs’ supervision.
正确答案 :A
boned warehouse
[单选题]Loss and damage ration for motor are lower than any other modes. Is it correct?()
正确答案 :C
[单选题]()is the place to store the goods in ported or in transit without paying duty under custom’s supervision .
正确答案 :A
Boned warehouse
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