正确答案: D

all of the above

题目:A diesel engines crankcase oil level is found to be too high√ You should suspect that ().

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  • [单选题]废气涡轮增压器使柴油机的功率增加一倍,而重量只增加()。
  • 10%

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  • on sides of bowl

  • [单选题]The cast iron()for the cross-head are attached to the top section and seal off the crankcase.
  • guide-ways

  • [单选题]The mechanical efficiency of an engine () because losses occur in the form of friction.
  • is always less than 100%

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  • interlock

  • [单选题]In a normally operating diesel engine, the main cause of lubricating oil contamination in the crankcase is a result of the ().
  • breakdown of the lubricating oil by dilutio

  • [单选题]A dirty diesel engine oil filter element can best be detected by ().
  • the pressure drop across the filter

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