正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]The main bearing shells often have a thin () of lead or indium to provide a layer giving protection against corrosion.
  • flash

  • [单选题]The main purpose of the piston oil scraper rings is to ().
  • reduce the amount of lube oil burned in the combustion chamber

  • 推荐下载科目: 起重设备题库 船机零件的腐蚀题库 船舶电与磁题库 声响和灯光信号题库 航海学(大副)题库 航海学(船长)题库 船舶辅机知识题库 使用船舶定线制的基本原则、方法及注意事项题库 远洋货运单证题库 船机零件的缺陷检验与船机故障诊断题库
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