正确答案: ABC

A.长期闲置的帐户仅保有最低余额,突然间接收一笔存款或一系列存款,随后每日提前现金存款,直到所存资金全部提取完毕 B.用新成立的法人实体名义开立帐户,而存入该账户的存款金额与该实体创办者的收入相比,远超出其预期存款水平 C.同一个人开立多个账户,存入多笔小额存款,而总额同其预期收入不相符


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  • [单选题]What prompted Sequoyah to develop his alphabet?
  • Sequoyah was a young Cherokee Indian.son of a white trader and an Indian Squaw(北美印第安女人).At an early age,he became fascinated by“tile talking leaf”,an expression thathe used to describe the white man’s written records.Although many believe this"talking leaf”to be a gift from tile Great Spirit,Sequoyah refused to accept that theory.Like other Indians oftile period,he was illiterate,but his determination to remedy tile situation led to the inventionof a unique 86 character alphabet based on the sound patterns that he heard.   His family and friends thought him mad,but while recuperating(恢复)from a huntingaccident.he diligently and independently set out to create a form of communication for his ownpeople as well as for other Indians.In l821,after twelve years of work,he had successfully de。veloped a written language that would enable thousands of Indians to read and write.   Sequoyah’s desire to preserve words and events for later generation has caused him to be remembered among the important inventors.The giant redwood trees of-California,called“se-quoias(红杉)”in his honor,will further imprint his name in history. 根据以上内容,回答下面的题目。What is the most important reason that Sequoyah wiU be remeIll]bered?

  • Future generations.

  • [单选题]用户办理暂拆手续后,供电企业应在()内执行暂拆。
  • B、5天

  • [单选题]我国著名科学家王选因发明汉字激光照排技术大大提高了印刷效率而被誉为“当代毕升”。那么,历史上毕升的发明是()
  • 活字印刷术

  • [单选题]主要杀灭巨噬细胞内B菌群的药物是()
  • 吡嗪酰胺

  • [单选题]有关急性心肌梗死的诊断,下列哪一项是不符合发展规律的()
  • 超急期就可在心电图上发现宽而深的Q波

  • [单选题]特别重大复杂的林政案件从立案之日起,要在多少天内结案?()
  • 6个月

  • [单选题]经加固的混凝土桥梁钢支架人行道,在最大承载条件下,允许每3m长钢支架人行道上放置木枕或木桥枕不得超过()根。
  • 2

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