正确答案: C

The subject is distracted from the given words.

题目:请阅读 Passage 1,完成1~5小题。   Passage 1   In the field of psychology,there has long been a certain <u>haziness</u> surrounding the definition of creativity,an I-know-it-when-I-see-it attitude that has eluded a precise formulation.During our conversation,Mark Beeman,a cognitive neuroscientist at Northwestern University,told me that he used to be reluctant to tell people what his area of study was,for fear of being dismissed or misunderstood.What,for instance,crosses your mind when you think of creativity? Well,we know that someone is creative if he produces new things or has new ideas.And yet,as John Kounios,a psychologist at Drexel University who collaborates frequently with Beeman,points out,that view is wrong,or at least not entirely right."Creativity is the process,not the product," he says.   To illustrate,Beeman offers an example.Imagine someone who has never used or seen a paperclip and is struggling to keep a bunch ofpapers together.Then the person comes up with a new way of bending a stiff wire to hold the papers in place. "<u>That</u> was very creative," Beeman says.On the flip side,if someone works in a new field-Beeman gives the example of nanotechnology-anything that he produces may be considered inherently "creative".But was the act of producing it actually creative? As Beeman put it,"Not all artists are creative.And some accountants are very creative."   Insight,however,has proved less difficult to define and to study.Because it arrives at a specific moment in time,you can isolate it,examine it,and analyze its characteristics."Insight is only one part of creativity," Beeman says."But we can measure it.We have a temporal marker that something just happened in the brain.I'd never say that's all of creativity,but it's a central, identifiable component." When scientists examine insight in the lab.they are looking at what types of attention and thought processes lead to that moment of synthesis: If you are trying to facilitate   a breakthrough,are there methods you can use that help? If you feel stuck on a problem,are there tricks to get you through?   In a recent study,Beeman and Kounios followed people's gazes as they attempted to solve what's called the remote-associates test,in which the subject is given a series of words,like "pine" "crab" and "sauce" and has to think of a single word that can logically be paired with all of them.They wanted to see if the direction of a person's eyes and her rate ofblinking could shed light on her approach and on her likelihood of success.It turned out that if the subject looked directly at a word and focused on it-that is,blinked less frequently,signaling a higher degree of close attention-she was more likely to be thinking in an analytical,convergent fashion,going through possibilities that made sense and systematically discarding those that didn't.If she looked at "pine" say,she might.be thinking of words like "tree" "cone" and "needle" ,then testing each option to see if it fit with the other words.When the subject stopped looking at any specific worD.either by moving her eyes or by blinking,she was more likely to think of broader,more abstract associations.That is a more insight-oriented approach."You need to learn not just to stare but to look outside your focus," Beeman says.(The solution to this remote-associates test: "apple" .)   As it turns out,by simple following someone's eyes and measuring her blinks and fixation times,Beeman's group can predict how someone will likely solve a problem and when she is nearing that solution.That's an important consideration for would-be creative minds: it helps us understand how distinct patterns of attention may contribute to certain kinds ofinsights.

解析:推断题。根据原文中的“When the subject stopped looking at any specific word,either by moving her eyes or by blinking,she was more likely to think ofbroader,more abstract associations.”当实验主体通过转动眼睛或眨眼,不再聚焦某一特定词语,她联想的词语可能更抽象,范围也更广。也就是说当实验主体转移注意力,不再聚焦在某一特定词语时,她解决问题的可能性以及何时能得出正确答案可以被预测,即C项正确。B项looks away at something else“看向别处”,与原文表述是不一样的。

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  • [单选题] There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes miserable. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon their minds. The people who are to be happy fix their attention on the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conveniences, the well-prepared dishes, the goodness of wines, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contrary things. Therefore, they are continually discontented. By their remarks, they sour the pleasures of society, offend many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind were founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be critical. The tendency to criticize and be disgusted is perhaps taken up originally by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it are convmced of its bad effects on their interests and tastes. Although in fact it is chiefly an act of imagination, it has serious consequences in life, since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others, nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect, and scarcely that. This frequency puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at obtaining some advantage in rank or fortune, nobody wishes them success. If they bring on themselves public disapproval, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their misconduct. These people should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
  • In the third paragraph the writer states that ________.

  • unhappy people always put themselves at rather unfavorable positions

  • 解析:1.细节题。根据短文第一段最后一句“This arises from the different ways in which they consider things,persons,and events,and the resulting effects upon their minds.”可知正是由于看待事物、人和事件的方式存在差异,才导致了两种人的区别。故选项C正确。 2.细节题。短文第二段指出两种人的差别“The people who are to be happy fix their attention on the convemences of things"和“Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contrary things”,由此可知两种人的区别在于关注点不同。故选项A正确。 3.细节题。“The tendency to criticize and be disgusted is perhaps taken up originally by imitation”这句话的意思是:这种挑剔和让人厌烦的倾向起先可能是由于模仿造成的。故选项B正确。 4.词汇题。联系上下文,根据句意可知,condescend的意思应为“谦逊,屈尊”。故选D。 5.细节题。短文最后一段主要叙述unhappy people的情况。本段第一句指出“…it has serious consequences in life,since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck.”故可知unhappy people常常把自己置于一个不利的境地。故选项A正确。

  • [单选题]明确提出"使人类教育心理学化"的口号,为近代教育学的创立做出贡献的是( )。
  • 裴斯泰洛齐

  • 解析:在西方教育史上,裴斯泰洛齐是第一个提出"教育心理学化"口号的教育家。康德是把教育学作为一门课程在大学讲授的第一人:洛克最著名的教育思想是"白板说"和"绅士教育",代表作是《教育漫话》。夸美纽斯的代表作《大教学论》的出版标志着教育学作为一门学科正式成立,他也被誉为教育学之父"。

  • [单选题]在Word中,不能操作实现的是( )。
  • 在页眉中插入分页符

  • 解析:"页眉和页脚"命令,在页眉编辑状态下,在相应位置输入内容即可。可用页眉和页脚工具栏,插入日期、页码、剪切画等。但在页眉中不能直接插入分页符。故选择C。

  • [单选题]班主任在组织开展班级活动时,应该注意的问题不包括( )。
  • 规定每个同学必须参与

  • 解析:班主任在组织开展班级活动时除了要充分发挥学生的主动性、注意扬长避短、培养学生的能力外,以全班同学都能参加为宜,培养学生的集体主义精神,而非规定每个同学必须参与。

  • [单选题]认知结构是指( )。
  • 个人已有知识的内容和组织

  • 解析:布鲁纳认为,教学的目的在于理解学科的基本结构,即将客观的学科的知识结构转化为学生头脑中主观的认知结构,所以学生的认知结构是指个人已有知识的内容和组织。故选择D。

  • [单选题]( )是指教师开学前对所任教课程作出一个学期的全面计划和通盘安排,是完成一个学期教学目标所确定的工作范围和教学进度的实施方案。
  • 学期教学进度计划

  • 解析:根据题干中对学期工作的计划安排来看,易确定所填选项内容为学期教学进度计划。

  • [单选题]下列表述中,不能体现环境对人身心发展的影响的是( )。
  • "龙生龙凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞"

  • 解析:A、B、C三项都是环境对人身心发展的影响,D选项是遗传对人身心发展的影响。

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