正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]甲板机械是为保证()的机械设备。
  • A+B

  • [单选题]检修活塞组件时,对表面的积炭应采用()予以清除。
  • 机械清洗

  • [单选题]检查艉轴与曲轴的同轴度误差的方法不能用()。
  • 指针法

  • [单选题]The indications of a scavenge fire are excessive black smoke, () and peeling from scavenge trunking.
  • all above are right

  • [单选题]A VLCC (100,000 DWT+) with a 30,000 Shaft Horsepower Steam Turbine is slow to respond to engine movements and has less stopping power than normal ships because it has a().
  • smaller power weight ratio

  • [单选题]Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine when().
  • it has been in use for a specified interval

  • 推荐下载科目: 船舶人员管理题库 船舶辅机(三管轮)题库 船舶正弦交流电题库 锚设备题库 船舶适航性控制题库 航海学(船长)题库 外界因素对操纵的影响题库 船舶空气调节装置题库 定期船运输题库 柴油机系统题库
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