正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]对于质量分布不在同一平面内,轴向长度较大的回转件,其平衡程度用()表示。
  • C.e•ω

  • [单选题]局部螺距是桨叶上()的螺距。
  • 根据任意半径截面上任意角度的部分螺距计算出

  • [单选题]四冲程柴油机停增压器运转,相当于非增压柴油机,但此时工作的主要问题是()。
  • 气阀重叠角较大,排气倒流

  • [单选题]A: Please tell me the specifications and quantity.B: ()
  • 300 tons of 180 cst fuel oil

  • [单选题]After "F.W.E" is given, the air system is shut down, the () gear put in, all drains and indicator cocks opened, and the cooling water kept running.
  • turning

  • [单选题]In a large, slow-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, which of the parts listed is under tension when the engine is running?()
  • Tie rod

  • [单选题]One major disadvantage of a low-speed diesel as compared to a steam main-propulsion system is().
  • a minimum speed for the engines that limits the minimum speed of the vessel

  • [单选题]Overspeed of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause().
  • damage to windings

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