正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]船舶动力装置往往以推进装置的类型进行分类,可分为()。
  • 蒸汽动力装置、燃气动力装置、核动力装置

  • [单选题]液压拉伸器活塞顶部设有泄放旋塞,其主要的作用是()。
  • 加压前用来泄放油中的空气

  • [单选题]某曲柄的两主轴承在水平平面内位置偏左,曲轴轴线呈左拱形,则其Δ-()。
  • <0

  • [单选题]废气涡轮增压器使柴油机的功率增加()倍。
  • 1

  • [单选题]铁梨木轴承产生()时应予以部分或全部换新。
  • 变形与开裂

  • [单选题]In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to the ().
  • gudgeon pi

  • [单选题]Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()
  • a worn cylinder

  • [单选题]The pump has a constant stroke and the amount of fuel delivered is regulated by rotating () which has a specially arranged helical groove cut into it.
  • the pump plunger

  • [单选题]Two important considerations for the proper lubrication of a diesel engine include the delivery of the oil in sufficient amount and the ().
  • quality of the oil

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