• [单选题]两耳失聪后仍坚持音乐创作的是( )。
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 贝多芬

  • 解析:贝多芬,德国最伟大的作曲家,双耳失聪坚持创作。主要作品:第三交响曲《英雄》、第五交响曲《命运》、第六交响曲《田园》、第七交响曲、第九交响曲《合唱》等。答案CA舒伯特,奥地利浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,被后人评价为"古典主义音乐"的最后一位巨匠。主要作品:《魔王》、《野玫瑰》、《圣母颂》等。B莫扎特,奥地利音乐家,被称为"音乐神童",主要作品:《费加罗的婚礼》、《唐璜》等。D门德尔松,德国浪漫乐派最具代表性的人物之一,被誉为浪漫主义杰出的"抒情风景画大师"。主要作品:《仲夏夜之梦》序曲、《苏格兰交响曲》和《意大利交响曲》。

  • [单选题]在Word2003中,要将"微软"文本复制到插入点,应先将"微软"选中,再( )。
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 单击"复制",再在插入点单击"粘贴"

  • 解析:复制文本的其它的办法:CtrI+C,或使用复制按钮。故选择C。

  • [单选题]下列各种生理变化中,不属于第二性征的是( )。
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 生殖器官发育

  • 解析:男女生殖器官的差异叫作第一性征。进入青春期以后,在性激素的作用下,男女之间还出现除了性器官以外的男女性各自所特有的征象,这叫作第二性征,也叫副性征。男性的第二性征主要表现在长胡须、喉结突出、肌肉发达、声音变粗等:女性的第二性征主要表现在骨盆宽大、皮下脂肪较多、乳腺发育,声调较高等。故选择C。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成1~5小题。   Passage 2   Everyone knows that English departments are in trouble,but you can't appreciate just how much trouble until you read the new report from the Modern Language Association.The report is about Ph.D.programs,which have been in decline since 2008.These programs have gotten both more difficult and less rewarding: today,it can take almost a decade to get a doctorate,anD.at the end of your program,you're unlikely to find a tenure-track job.   The core of the problem is,of course,the job market.The M.L.A.report estimates that only sixty per cent of newly-minted Ph.D.s will find tenure-track jobs after graduation.If anything,that's wildly optimistic: the M.L.A.got to that figure by comparing the number of tenure-track jobs on its job list (around six hundred) with the number of new graduates (about a thousand).But that leaves out the thousands of unemployed graduates from past years who are still job-hunting-not to mention the older professors who didn't receive tenure,and who now find themselves competing with their former students.In all likelihooD.the number of jobs per candidate is much smaller than the report suggests.That's why the mood is so dire—why even professors are starting to ask,in the committee's words,"Why maintain doctoral study in the modern languages and literatures-or the rest ofthe humanities-at all?"   Those trends,in turn,are part of an even larger story having to do with the expansion and transformation of American education after the Second World War.Essentially,colleges grew less elite and more vocational.Before the war,relatively few people went to college.Then,in the nineteen-fifties,the G.I.Bill anD.later,the Baby Boom pushed colleges to grow rapidly.When the boom endeD.colleges found themselves overextended and competing for students.By the midseventies,schools were creating new programs designed to attract a broader range of students-for instance,women and minorities.   Those reforms worked: as Nate Silver reported in the Times last summer,about twice as many people attend college per capita now as did forty years ago.But all that expansion changed colleges.In the past,they had catered to elite students who were happy to major in the traditional liberal arts.Now,to attract middle-class students,colleges had to offer more career-focused majors,in fields like business,communications,and health care.As a result,humanities departments have found   themselves drifting away from the center of the university.Today,they are often regarded as a kind of institutional luxury,paid for by dynamiC.cheap,and growing programs in,say,adult-education.These large demographic facts are contributing to today's job-market crisis: they're why,while education as a whole is growing,the humanities aren't.   Given all this,what can an English department do? The M.L.A.report contains a number of suggestions.Pride of place is given to the idea that grad school should be shorter: "Departments should design programs that can be completed in five years." That will probably require changing the dissertation from a draft of an academic book into something shorter and simpler.At the same time,graduate students are encouraged to "broaden" themselves: to "engage more deeply with technology" ; to pursue unusual and imaginative dissertation projects; to work in more than one discipline; to acquire teaching skills aimed at online and community-college students; and to take workshops on subjects,such as project management and grant writing,which might be of value outside of academiA.Graduate programs,the committee suggests,should accept the fact that many of their students will have non-tenureD.or even non-academiC.careers.They should keep track of what happens to their graduates,so that students who decide to leave academia have a non-academic alumni network to draw upon.
  • Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "dire" in Paragraph 2?

  • 正确答案 :B
  • Gloomy.

  • 解析:词汇题。根据dire所在的上下文“…is much smaller than the report suggest"……why even professors are…or the rest of the humanities-at all?”可推知本词并非表达积极向上的意思,故排除A项“愉快的”。上下文分析的是就业形势严峻,找到终身教职很难的现状,由此可推断该专业的人员心情应该是糟糕的、悲伤的。B项“沮丧的”,C项“复杂的”,D项“奇怪的”。故本题选B。

  • [单选题]When saying "lt's noisy outside" to get someone to close the window,the speaker intends to perform a(n)________.
  • 正确答案 :C
  • indirect speech act

  • 解析:本题考查言语行为理论。奥斯汀言语行为理论指出,说话者说话时可能同时实施三种行为:言内行为( locutionary act)是说出词、短语和分句的行为,它是通过句法、词汇和音位来表达字面意义的行为;言外行为( illocutionary act)是表达说话者的意图的行为,它是在说某些话时所实施的行为;言后行为( perlocutionary act)是通过某些话所实施的行为,或讲某些话所导致的行为,它是话语所产生的后果或所引起的变化,是通过讲某些话所完成的行为。塞尔在奥斯汀言语行为理论的基础上,提出了间接言语行为理论。间接言语行为(indirect speech act)指的是通过一种言外行为间接地完成另外一种言外行为的情况。也就是说,交际者在实施间接言语行为时往往不直接说出自己要说的话,而是凭借另外一种(常常是直接的)言语行为来间接地表达其用意。根据以上言语行为理论可知,说话者说“It's noisy outside”的意图是嫌外面吵,想让听话者听到他的话语之后关上门,那么说话者完成的是言外行为,也是一种间接言语行为。故本题选C。

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