正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]螺旋桨修理后,除对修理质量进行检验外,还应进行()检验。Ⅰ.叶形修理;Ⅱ.尺寸;Ⅲ.测螺距;Ⅳ.静平衡试验;Ⅴ.无损探伤。
  • Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]转舵不准,舵角不正可能是()。
  • 舵杆变形

  • [单选题]The crankcase can not be opened ()the parts have been cooled down.
  • unless

  • [单选题]The quality of the fuel oil and lube oil (), Im afraid.
  • has much to do with the operation of the engine and its life

  • [单选题]Two important considerations for the proper lubrication of a diesel engine include the delivery of the oil in sufficient amount and the ().
  • quality of the oil

  • [单选题]If you are unable to stop a diesel engine by any other means,you should().
  • discharge a CO2 extinguisher in the air inlet

  • 推荐下载科目: 修船过程中的组织管理题库 船舶正弦交流电题库 船舶电与磁题库 柴油机主要零件的检修题库 船舶操纵与避碰(大副)题库 外界因素对操纵的影响题库 船舶电气设备及系统题库 定期船运输题库 船机零件的修复工艺题库 船机零件的疲劳破坏题库
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