正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]主机起动用的空气瓶至少应有2个,在进行起动次数试验时,应()。
  • 开启1个空气瓶,不可补充空气

  • [单选题]吊缸时,最后阶段的工作是()。
  • 安装与调试

  • [单选题]拆卸机器时不必()。
  • 对拆下的零件进行磁粉探伤

  • [单选题]轴系两端轴产生同轴度偏差可采用()进行检测。
  • 平轴法或平轴计算法

  • [单选题]按舵与船体的连接方式分为()。Ⅰ.悬挂舵或半悬挂舵;Ⅱ.穿心舵轴平衡舵;Ⅲ.半平衡舵;Ⅳ.单支承舵,Ⅴ.双支承舵。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]Engine fuel pump index is ().
  • the reading at the rack

  • [单选题]The four-stroke engine is used for () and sometimes for main propulsion with a gearbox to provide a propeller speed of between 90 to 120 rev/min.
  • alternator

  • [单选题]The most important factor in engine performance is the actual power output at the end of the crankshaft available for doing workThis is known as ().
  • brake horsepower

  • [单选题]A VLCC (100,000 DWT+) with a 30,000 Shaft Horsepower Steam Turbine is slow to respond to engine movements and has less stopping power than normal ships because it has a().
  • smaller power weight ratio

  • 推荐下载科目: 轮机维护与修理题库 船机零件的摩擦与磨损题库 船舶人员管理题库 船舶正弦交流电题库 液压元件题库 航海学题库 船舶空气调节装置题库 柴油机的运行管理与应急处理题库 不定期船运输题库 船机零件的修复工艺题库
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