正确答案: D

lower temperature fresh water

题目:In a central cooling system, used in some modem ships, sea water is supplied to cool ()which will circulate to other individual cooler, greatly reducing the corrosion problems.

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  • [单选题]船舶的机动性是指()。
  • 改变船舶状态的灵敏性

  • [单选题]阀杆直径大于20mm时,允许有长度不大于()mm的发纹,但在纵向同一位置上下不得有多于()处的发纹。
  • 20/2

  • [单选题]根据轴系的结构特点,以轴承负荷、轴段内的应力、弯矩、转角等为约束条件,通过优化计算,确定轴承的合理位置,热态下使各轴承的负荷在允许值内且合理分布,轴段内的应力、弯矩、转角也均在允许值内。这一过程称为()。
  • 合理校中

  • [单选题]The indicated power of an engine can be obtained by taking the ().
  • B and C

  • [单选题]In the combustion chamber, the part whose surface is exposed to the highest temperature is the ().
  • piston

  • [单选题]During the fuel injection period, fuel pressure must exceed cylinder gas pressure to ().
  • ensure penetration and distribution of the fuel in the combustion chamber

  • [单选题]The most serious effect of air trapped in a diesel engine jacket water cooling system is that it().
  • leads to the scuffing of cylinder wall

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