[单选题]The use of ()in many ways reduces staffing needs, minimizes in transit damage and theft, shorten time in transit because of reduced port turnaround time.
正确答案 :A
[单选题]What is the logistics base module? ()
正确答案 :C
[单选题]What is BPR? ()
正确答案 :C
Business process re-engineering
[单选题]Customers return the product because of()
正确答案 :D
Quality unqualified
[单选题]()is for the operation ordering and the information exchange by Internet among the firms.
正确答案 :C
Electronic Order System (EOS)
[单选题]There is no difference between the environmental logistics and ()one.
正确答案 :D
[单选题]Air cargo is ()
正确答案 :B
air freight
[单选题]()is the way to deliver goods for different shippers in the same truck, by the most economic route.
正确答案 :A
Joint Distribution
[单选题]()is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand.
正确答案 :B
Inventory control
[单选题]()is the management system to control the material consumed reduce inventory in the manufacture company.
正确答案 :
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