正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]零件上的微小裂纹可采用修锉、打磨的方法予以消除,若裂纹深度达到裂纹所在壁厚的()时,则应停止修锉、打磨,改用其他的方法修理或报废。
  • B.3%

  • [单选题]拆卸机器时不必()。
  • 对拆下的零件进行磁粉探伤

  • [单选题]实测中间轴承负荷的常用方法是()。
  • 顶举法

  • [单选题]某螺旋桨半径为2m,质量为800kg,经静平衡实验测附加重物的质量为2kg,其中系数K为1.5,请问该螺旋桨允许的不平衡质量为()。
  • 0.6kg

  • [单选题]The plunger in the fuel injector pump, usually operated by a (), is driven up and down when working.
  • rack and pinio

  • [单选题]The process to remove exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air is called ().
  • scavenging

  • [单选题]The selection of an oil from the () depends to a great extent on the operating conditions, the design of the engine and the type of fuel to be burned.
  • commercially available

  • [单选题]There is an injection pump for each cylinder, which is usually operated once every cycle by () on the camshaft.
  • a cam

  • [单选题]A magnetic strainer is used in the diesel engine reduction gear oil system to remove small particles of().
  • iron or steel

  • 推荐下载科目: 航海学(三副)题库 号灯和号型题库 船舶适航性控制题库 柴油机主要零件的检修题库 船舶动力装置题库 外界因素对操纵的影响题库 船舶电气设备及系统题库 不定期船运输题库 船机零件的疲劳破坏题库 船机维修过程题库
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