正确答案: A


题目:欧洲文艺复兴时期教育的核心思想是( )。


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  • [单选题]公元前138年,( )出使西域,开拓了汉朝通往西域的南北道路,被称为"凿空之旅"。
  • 张骞

  • 解析:公元前138年,张骞出使西域,打通了汉朝通往西域的南北道路,即赫赫有名的丝绸之路,汉武帝以军功封其为博望侯。被称为"第一个睁开眼睛看世界的中国人"。故选择D。A选项,班超,史学家班彪的幼子,其长兄班固、妹妹班昭也是著名史学家。投笔从戎,奉命出使西域,在三十一年的时间里,平定了西域五十多个国家,建立西域都护,为西域回归、促进民族融合,做出了巨大贡献。B选项,班固,班彪长子,班超之兄,著名历史学家,著有《汉书》。C选项,张謇(jiǎn)清末状元,中国近代实业家、政治家、教育家,主张"实业救国"。中国棉纺织领域早期的开拓者,上海海洋大学创始人。

  • [单选题]人的发展需要经过乳儿、幼儿、童年、少年、青年等时期,这表明人身心发展具有( )。
  • 阶段性

  • 解析:人身心发展的阶段性是指在人的发展过程中,身体、心理的发展都呈现出相对独立的前后衔接的阶段。乳儿、幼儿、童年、少年、青年等时期,正是相对独立又前后衔接不同阶段,因此,这表明人的身心发展具有阶段性。故选择D。A项,身心发展的稳定性是指在一定社会和教育条件下,处于同一年龄阶段的人在身心发展阶段、发展顺序和每一阶段变化过程及速度等方面大体上是相同的,具有稳定性。B项,由于环境、教育或其他条件的不同,处于同一年龄阶段的人,其发展水平又是有差异的,具有可变性。C项,人的身心发展具有差异性。从群体的角度看,首先表现为男女性别的差异:不仅是自然性别上的差异,还包括由性别带来的生理机能和社会地位、角色、交往群体的差别。其次,个别差异表现在身心的所有构成方面,其中有些是发展水平的差异,有些是心理特征表现方式上的差异。

  • [单选题]小芳的妈妈乐于助人,受其影响小芳在学校也常常关心帮助同学,小芳的学习属于( )。
  • 观察学习

  • 解析:班杜拉认为儿童社会行为的习得主要是通过观察、模仿现实生活中重要人物的行为来完成的。小芳受其妈妈影响,常常关心帮助同学,发生了观察学习。

  • [单选题]1989世界卫生组织对健康又加了一个( )更为合理完整。
  • 道德健康

  • 解析:早在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)在其宣言中就指出,健康应包括生理、心理和社会适应等几方面。1989年,世界卫生组织又明确提出:"健康不仅是没有疾病,而且包括身体健康、心理健康、社会适应良好和道德健康。"故选择A。

  • [多选题]德育过程就是个体社会化和社会规范个体化的统一过程。( )
  • 解析:德育过程是以提升受教育者的品德水平为目标,教育者与受教育者共同参与的教育活动过程。德育过程从本质上说就是个体社会化与社会规范个体化的统一过程。德育过程的矛盾是教育者提出的德育目标与受教育者现有水平之间的矛盾。

  • [单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第 1~5小题。   Passage 1   Hidden Valley looks a lot like the dozens of other camps that dot the woods of central Maine.There's a lake,some soccer fields and horses.But the campers make the difference.They're all American parents who have adopted kids fiom China.They're at Hidden Valley to find bridges fromtheir children's old worlds to the new.Diana Becker watches her 3-year-old daughter Mika danceto a Chinese version of“Twinkle,Twinkle,little Star.”“Her soul is Chinese,”she says,“but reallyshe's growing up American.”   Hidden Valley and a handful of other“culture camps”serving families with children fromoverseas refiect the huge rise in the number of foreign adoptions,from 7, 093 in 1990 to 15, 774last year.Most children come from Russia (4, 491 last year) and China (4, 206) but there are alsothousands of others adopted annually from South AmericA.Asia and Eastern Europe.After cuttingthrough what can be miles of red tape,parents often come home to find a new“predicament”.“At firstyou think, 61 need a child',”says Sandy lachter of Washington,D.C.,who- with her husband,Steve,adopted Amelia.5,from China in 1995.“Then you think,‘What does the child need?’”   The culture camps give families a place to find answers to those kinds of questions.Most grewout of local support groups;Hidden Valley was started last year by the Boston chapter of Familieswith Children from China.which includes 650 families.While parents address weighty issueslike how to raise kids in a mixed-race family,their children just have fun riding horses,singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes.“My philosophy of camping is that they could be doing anything,as long as they see other Chinese kids with white parents,”says the director,Peter Kassen,whose adopted daughters Hope and lily are 6 and 4.   The camp is a continuation oflanguage and dance classes many of the kids attend during theyear.“When we rented out a theater for 'Mulan,' it was packed,”says Stephen Chen of Boston,whose adopted daughter lindsay is 4.Classes in Chinese language,art and calligraphy are taught by experts,like Renne lu of the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Center.“Our mission is to preservethe heritage,”Lu says.   Kids who are veteran campers say the experience helps them understand their complexheritage.Sixteen-year-old Alex was born in India and adopted by Kathy and David Brinton of Boulder,Colo.,when he was 7.“I went through a stage where I hated India.hated everything about it,” he says.“You just couldn't mention India to me.”But after six sessions at the East India Colorado Heritage Camp,held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park,Colo.,he hopes to travel toIndia after he graduates from high school next year.
  • What can a culture camp help to do according to Peter Kassen?

  • It helps the Chinese children have fun with their American parents.

  • 解析:细节题。根据Peter Kassen定位到第三段中的“‘My philosophy of camping is thatthey could be doing anything,as long as they see other Chinese kids with white parents,’says the director,PeterKassen.”由此可见他的观点是“只要孩子们看到其他中国孩子能和他们的白人父母在一起做的,他们都可以做”,因此本题选B。A项“文化野营活动可以帮助被收养的儿童理解他们复杂的传统文化”,不是Peter Kassen的观点。C项“文化野营活动可以帮助美国人从俄罗斯和中国收养更多孩子”,D项“文化野营活动可以帮助美国人从其他国家收养孩子”,这都与原文不符,也不是Peter Kassen的观点。

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