正确答案: D
Paragraph 2 provides illustration for paragraph l.
题目:请阅读 Passage 1,完成 1~5小题。
Passage 1
Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science,but their form and function, their dimensions and appearance,were determined by technologists,artisans,designers,inventors, and engineers-use nonscientific modes of thought.This kind of thinking way is different from science.Many features and qualities ofthe objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with the mind by a visual,nonverbal process.In the development of Western technology,it has been non-verbal thinking,by and large,that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material surroundings.Pyramids,cathedrals,and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics,but because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built them.
The creative shaping process of a technologist's mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists.For example,in designing a diesel engine,a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness. What would be the shape of the combustion chamber? Where should valves be placed? Should it have a long or short piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience,by physical requirements,by limitations of available space,and not least by a sense of form.Some decisions such as wall thickness and pin diameter,may depend on scientific calculations,but the nonscientific component of design remains primary.
Design courses,then,should be an essential element in engineering curriculum.Nonverbal thinking of a central mechanism in engineering design,involves perceptions,the stock-in-trade of the artist,not the scientist.Because perceptive processes are not assumed to entail "hard thinking" , nonverbal thought is sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive Process and inferior to verbal or mathematical thought.But it is paradoxical that when the staff of the Historic American Engineering Record wished to have drawings made of machines and isometric views of industrial processes for its historical record of American engineering,the only college students with the requisite abilities were not engineering students,but rather students attending architectural schools.
If courses in design,which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the background required for practical problem-solving,are not provided.we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems.For example,early models of high-speed railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because a fan sucked snow into the electrical system.absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations: they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics.
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[单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。
Passage 2
It's no srprise that Jennifer Senior's insightful,provocative magazine cover story,"I love My Children,I Hate My Life",is arousing much chatter-nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling,life-enriching experience.rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable,Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking ofit as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy,we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition.Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard.Senior writes that "the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources ofintense gratification and delight."
The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week.There are also stories about newly adoptive-and newly single-mom sandra Bullock,as well as the usual "Jennifer Aniston is pregnant" news.Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom,or mom-to-be,smiling on the newsstands.
In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation,is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing? It doesn't seem quite fair,then,to compare the regrets ofparents to the regrets of the childless.Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn't have had kids,but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.
Of course,the image ofparenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistiC.especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock.According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples,single parents are the least happy of all.No shock there,considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear sandra and Britney tell it,raising a kid on their "own" (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece ofcake.
It's hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut.But it's interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free,happiness-enhancing parenthood aren't in some small,subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience,in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting "the rachel" might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.
Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring_______.
happiness in retrospect
解析:细节题。文章第一段最后一句“…the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources ofintense gratification and delight'’指出,正是那些当时压抑我们的琐事,日后却成为满足和欢乐的源泉。要注意此句话中的“later”,C项中的“in retrospect”意为“回顾往事,回想”,与之相呼应。故本题选C。A、D两项是根据文中的“moment-to-moment joy”和“intense gratification and delight”的字面含义设置的一对相反的干扰项;B项属于反向干扰。
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