正确答案: B




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  • [单选题]下列哪种药物用来对海洛因依赖者进行替代治疗
  • 美沙酮

  • 解析:替代治疗是指使用与海洛因具有相似药理作用,但是无论成瘾性还是药物对身体的危害性均明显较小的药物来治疗海洛因成瘾,这样一方面可以减少海洛因的戒断症状,另一方面可以有效缓解成瘾者脱毒后强烈的心理渴求,从而减少海洛因的使用和危害。美沙酮同样作用于阿片受体,而且成瘾性较小,又可以口服给药就具有与海洛因相似的药理特征,是目前用于海洛因依赖者替代治疗的常用药物。

  • [单选题]A 55-year-old man come to see the doctor with a chief complaint of insomnia two days, he has drunk alcoholic beverage about 30 years. He has tried to quit drinking several times, but he has been un-able to stop.Twodays ago,he tried to stop drinking once again.He states that he goes to sleep difficult-1y, feels nausea and anxiety.For this patient,which of the following treatment is best
  • benzodiazepine

  • 解析:The most likely diagnosis of this patient is alcohol dependence, and this patient has obviously alcohol withdrawal symptom, the most common treatment for alcohol withdrawal symptom is benzodiaz-epine.

  • [单选题]《血证论》指出,为水之上源的是( )

  • [单选题]肾气丸的主治是( )
  • 肾阳不足

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