正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]海难救助中的海难必须是()面临危险。
  • 船货其中一方或双方共同

  • [单选题]The carrier is entitled to()overboard goods which are dangerous.
  • throw

  • [单选题]The merchant undertakes that no claim or allegation shall be made against any servant,agent or subcontractor of the carrier which()to impose upon any of them or any liability whatsoever in connection with the goods.
  • imposes or attempts

  • [单选题]Where a propeller shaft passes through the hull,water is prevented from entering by means of a().
  • stuffing box

  • [单选题]船舶在公海上发生碰撞的损害赔偿的法律适用()。
  • 受理案件的法院所在地的法律

  • 推荐下载科目: 拍卖经济学题库 单方程计量经济学模型理论与方法(上)题库 城市经济学题库 世界贸易组织(WTO)题库 商务谈判题库 电子商务网站建设与维护题库 第八章目标市场营销战略题库 进出口贸易实务题库 投资项目评估题库 初级经济学题库
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