正确答案: A



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  • [单选题]Before "stand-by" is rung on the engine telegraph, it is usual to give the main engine () ahead and astern.
  • a brief trial on power

  • [单选题]For one or two types of engine, the piston and rod can be withdrawn downwards from the cylinder into the crankcase and then out through the ().
  • crankcase door

  • [单选题]In a four-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at ().
  • half the engine speed

  • [单选题]Smaller engines can be made more rigid than large ones and may not have ().
  • through bolts

  • [单选题]High firing pressures and a low exhaust temperature in a diesel engine may result from ().
  • early fuel injection timing

  • 推荐下载科目: 轮机维护与修理题库 船舶系固设备题库 柴油机的调速装置题库 船舶电与磁题库 声响和灯光信号题库 轮机船舶管理题库 柴油机主要零件的检修题库 船舶辅机题库 船舶电气设备及系统题库 不定期船运输题库
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