正确答案: B


题目:"教育活动必须符合国家和社会公共利益",这句话体现的原则是( )。


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  • [单选题]鼠标在段落中( )击,可选中整个段落。
  • 解析:三连击可以选中整个段落,故选择C。A选项,单击可然光标移动到当前位置。C选项,双击可以选中当前词语。D选项,四连击,效果相当于双击,取消整段选择,变成选中当前词语。

  • [单选题]情境的形式主要包括( )。1.文字材料情境;2.语言描述情境;3.形声色情境;4.问题情境;5.实验情境

  • 解析:主要实验的情境形式有:1.文字材料情境:用文字材料、图表、数据等资料,展现、陈列与教学内容有关的背景资料,作为学生探究的依据。2.语言描述情境:用口头语言、身体语言等方式,展现、描述与教学内容相关的境况,对学生的探究活动,起着一定的导向作用,提高学生的感知效应,激起情感,促进学生进入特定的教学情境。3.形、声、色情境:用图画、教具或学具、录音机等立体展现与教学内容相关的资料背景、故事情节等,使学生更形象、直观地把握情境,进入情境场。4.其它形式:问题情境、生活展现情境、虚拟情境等。故选择C。

  • [单选题]学习动机有高尚和低级之分,其划分标准是学习动机的( )。
  • 社会意义

  • 解析:根据学习动机内容的社会意义,学习动机可以分为高尚的动机与低级的动机。

  • [单选题]关于学习动机与学习效果的关系,描述正确的是( )。
  • 学习动机适中,学习效果最好

  • 解析:学习动机与学习效果之间呈倒U型曲线关系,学习动机适中,学习效果最好。

  • [单选题]对学习过程中制订自我学习计划,实施自我监督以及自我调控的策略,一般称为( )。
  • 元认知策略

  • 解析:元认知策略是学生对自己认知过程的认知策略,即对信息加工过程进行调控的策略,

  • [单选题]说服教育法的方式有语言文字说服和( )。
  • 事实说服

  • 解析:说服教育法是借助语言和事实,通过摆事实、讲道理,以影响受教育者的思想意识,使其明辨是非,提高其思想认识的方法。这是学校对学生进行德育的基本方法。说服教育法有两种方式:一种是运用语言文字进行说服的方式,如讲解、报告、谈话、辩论、读书指导等:另一种是运用事实进行说服教育的方式,主要包括参观、访问和调查。故选择A。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5题。   Passage 2   teacher education provided by U,S.colleges and universities has been routinely criticizedsince its inception in the early nineteenth century,sometimes deservedly.These programs,like non-university programs,are uneven in quality and can be improved.What makes today's criticisms different is an aggressive effort by advocacy groups,and self-proclaimed educational entrepreneursto deregulate the preparation of teachers,and to expand independent,alternative routes intoteaching.   This effort to “disrupt” the field of teacher preparation in the United States has gainedconsiderable “momentum” and legitimacy,with venture capitalists,philanthropy,and the U.S.Department of Education all providing sponsorship and substantial funding.   The strength of this effort is that the United States may quickly seek to dismantle its universitysystem and replace much ofit with independent,private programs.The resulting system of teacherpreparation may differ dramatically in its government,structure,content,and processes moving away from its current location alongside legal,medical,and other professional preparation that pairsacademic degrees with professional training.   Throughout the nation,states are reporting teacher shortages in particular subject areas andgeographical locations,and several states have either passed legislation to lower the standards for becoming a teacher or,like the state of Washington,have looked toward expanding the number ofteacher education providers to try to fill teaching vacancies.The federal government has contributedto the push to lower standards for becoming a teacher with the teacher Preparation Academyprovision in the new K-12 education law,the Every Student Succeeds act,which encourages statesto expand the number ofindependent programs not associated with colleges and universities.   Because of the increasing tuition rates,a consequence in part,of cuts in funding to publicuniversities that continue to educate most U.S.teachers,enrollments in college and universityteacher education programs have declined in many parts of the country.Independent teacher education programs are being viewed by some as an important part of the solution in staffing thenation's classrooms and addressing our serious and enduring problems in education inequities.Additionally,advocacy groups,philanthropists,and so-called education entrepreneurs are working aggressively to expand these independent alternative routes into teaching.   Given the seriousness of the teacher shortage problem in the United States and the substantialmedia attention that has been given to independent teacher education programs as the solutionto teacher shortages and education inequities,policy makers should very carefully examine the evidence that exists about the nature and impact of these relatively new programs that are rapidly expanding while university teacher education enrollments decline.
  • Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “momentum” inParagraph 2?

  • Incentive.

  • 解析:词汇题。momentum意为“势头,动力,冲力”。根据momentum后面的句子“...withventure capitalists,philanthropy,and the U.S.Department of Education all providing sponsorship and substantialfunding”可知,风险资本家、慈善事业及教育部提供的资金援助推动了美国在师资培养领域所做的努力。moment“时刻”,motive“动机”,achievement“成就,成绩”,incentive“动机,刺激”。故本题选D。

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