正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]发动机的长度可决定()。
  • 机舱的长度

  • [单选题]在船上吊缸检查气缸套时,不必()。
  • 清理气缸套冷却水腔水垢

  • [单选题]The scavenging air ports are located at () that they are just exposed by the upper edge of the piston when the piston is in the bottom dead center position.
  • such a height

  • [单选题]Cross scavenging requires the fitting of () to prevent air or exhaust gas escape when the piston is at the top of the stroke.
  • a piston skirt

  • 推荐下载科目: 号灯和号型题库 船舶结构与货运题库 船舶管理(驾驶专业)题库 船舶适航性控制题库 船舶动力装置题库 船舶辅机知识题库 船舶操纵与避碰(大副)题库 柴油机的润滑题库 船机零件的疲劳破坏题库 船机维修过程题库
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