• [单选题]Popular saying “cutting into smaller parts” is the most commonly seen () form.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Distribution processing value

  • [单选题]If the goods is damaged or lost in the process of logistics, the shipper can()to carrier.
  • 正确答案 :A
  • Claim

  • [单选题]How long the haul for international deep-sea movement usually?()
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  • Thousands of kilometers

  • [单选题]()What is PDM?
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Physical distribution management

  • [单选题]()is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Fork lift truck

  • 解析:中文:叉车是种非常方便的用来装卸货物的工具。

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