正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]柴油机镀铬气缸套正常磨损率应在()mm/kh范围内。
  • 0.01~0.03

  • [单选题]当液压拉伸器的用油变质时,应当用()来清洗和替代。
  • 适合黏度的透平油或液压油

  • [单选题]在船上测量曲轴臂距差时,以曲柄销位置为准记录臂距值时,应自()开始测量。
  • 曲柄销位于195°处

  • [单选题]导致曲轴轴线产生塌腰形变形,臂距差朝正值增大方向变化的因素有()。Ⅰ.爆发压力;Ⅱ.飞轮重量;Ⅲ.曲轴自重;Ⅳ.活塞装置重量;Ⅴ.轴系轴线低于曲轴轴线,两法兰呈上开口。
  • A.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]In the () pressure charging system the pulse of energy that occur as the exhaust is released from the cylinder to improve the output of the turbocharger.
  • pulse

  • [单选题]In the suction stroke air is induced into the cylinder ()In the compression stroke the air is compressed.
  • through an inlet valve

  • [单选题]The engine may lose power or slow down during running, when this occurs, the first cause possible may be hot bearings and () of the pistons in the cylinders.
  • seizure

  • [单选题]Which factor of the following affects not only the fuels combustion but also the engine’s maintenance?()
  • viscosity

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