正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]可靠性定义中所述及的“规定的条件”,包括()。Ⅰ.环境温度、压力、湿度;Ⅱ.振动;Ⅲ.承受的负荷
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]除镍铝青铜桨外,其他材料的螺旋桨桨叶热校正之后应进行()处理。
  • 退火

  • [单选题]舵杆常见的失效形式中不包括()。
  • 折断

  • [单选题]() is used for washing and drinking.
  • The domestic system

  • [单选题]Diesel engines are started by supplying () into the cylinders in the appropriate sequence for the required direction.
  • compressed air

  • [单选题]Lubricating oil for an engine is stored at the bottom of the (), known as the sump or in a drain tank located beneath the engine.
  • crankcase

  • [单选题]The successful operation of any engine or machine and () depend on effective lubrication.
  • its trouble-free life

  • [单选题]Which of the following devices is common to both mechanical and hydraulic governors?()
  • A servomotor

  • [单选题]What is an advantage of a steam turbine over a diesel for the main propulsion?()
  • Less weight per unit of horsepower

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