正确答案: C

refer to

题目:We()your letter of Nov.3 asking us to make a quotation.

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  • [单选题]疾病趋向好转或痊愈是由于
  • 正胜邪退

  • [单选题]It should be()if you could immediately()what quantity you can supply us at present.
  • appreciated,advise

  • [单选题]An exporter cannot receive payment until the goods on consignment()sometime in the future.
  • have been sold

  • [单选题]()we would like to assist you,we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.
  • Muchas

  • [单选题]Bob is()the market for your new product,why don’t you call him right now?
  • in

  • [单选题]The words of the buyer left a()impression on his mind.
  • lasting

  • [单选题]And in the United States,13 antidumping suits were()Korean firms.
  • brought against

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