正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]假设某一中央冷却系统中设有三台循环水泵,船舶航行在温带水域若只要两台水泵正常工作就能满足冷却需要,则三台水泵从可靠性角度看就成为()。Ⅰ.并联系统;Ⅱ.串联系统;;Ⅲ.表决系统
  • 仅Ⅲ对

  • [单选题]螺旋桨经修理后应进行()和()检验。
  • 静平衡/螺距

  • [单选题]() the cylinder will contain a great weight of air and will be capable of burning a great quantity of fuel.
  • At the beginning of the compression stroke

  • [单选题]Which of the following statements is true concerning an oil cooler?()
  • The oil pressure is greater than the cooling water pressure

  • [单选题]The required amount in the change of speed necessary before a governor will make a corrective movement is known as ().
  • sensitivity

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