正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]影响发动机加速时问长短的因素是它的()。I.运行部件的质量惯性;Ⅱ.受热部件的热惯性
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ

  • [单选题]吊缸时,第二阶段的工作是()。
  • 检测与修理

  • [单选题]航行中增压器发生严重的故障时,根据海况不同可供采取的应急措施有()。Ⅰ.停增压器;Ⅱ.停航;Ⅲ.锁住转子;Ⅳ.拆除转子;Ⅴ.降速航行。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]总曲折是()。
  • A或B

  • [单选题]The gas loads on the engine structure are constrained by means of hydraulically preloaded () which connect the bed plate, frame sections and cylinder jackets into a single unit.
  • tie rod

  • [单选题]The main bearing shells often have a thin () of lead or indium to provide a layer giving protection against corrosion.
  • flash

  • [单选题]The process of loop scavenge is that the exhaust will be via ports () the air ports and controlled by the same piston.
  • adjacent to

  • [单选题]Which cause of the following can lead to the engine not to start on air?()
  • three of the starting valves stuck

  • [单选题]Among the main propulsion units on board the ship with the same capacity, the lightest one is().
  • gas turbine

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