正确答案: A


题目:下列选项中,不属于鲁迅作品人物形象的是( )。


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  • [单选题]一些老师为了争取更多的学生加入他们的校外补习班中,故意不重视正常的课堂教育,布置的作业不检查、不批改,致使学生认为老师既然不批改作业,干脆就不做作业认真。这样的做法违背了()职业道德规范。
  • 爱岗敬业

  • 解析:《中小学教师职业道德规范》(2008年修订)"爱岗敬业"要求:教师要对工作认真负责,认真上课备课,辅导学生。不得敷衍塞责。材料中的教师不检查、不批改作业,违背了爱岗敬业的职业道德规范。故选B。

  • [单选题]随意对学生进行搜查,关禁闭的行为主要侵犯了学生的( )。
  • 人身自由权

  • 解析:学生的人身自由权强调:学校和教师不得以任何理由随意对学生进行搜查,不得对学生关禁闭。故选择D。

  • [单选题]在编制教案过程中,教学方法的选择要做到( )。
  • 以教师为主导、以学生为主体、以能力和方法为重点

  • 解析:教学方法的选择要考虑多种因素的综合影响,其中应以教师为主导、以学生为主体、以能力和方法为重点。

  • [单选题]知觉是把对象从背景中分离出来,这是知觉的
  • 选择性

  • 解析:选择性,人在知觉过程中把知觉对象从背景中区分出来优先加以清晰地反映的特性就叫知觉的选择性。其中被清楚地知觉到的客体叫对象,未被清楚地知觉到的客体叫背景。故选择B。A选项,整体性,知觉的对象是由不同部分和属性组成的。人在知觉时,并不把知觉对象感知为个别孤立的部分,而总是把它知觉为统一的整体。C选项,理解性,人在知觉某一事物时,总是利用已有的知识和经验去认识知觉对象的特征。D选项,恒常性,在知觉的客观条件,在一定范围内改变时,我们的知觉映像在相当程度上却保持着它的稳定性。在不同的物理环境中,从不同的角度,不同的距离知觉某一熟知的物体时,虽然该知觉对象的物理属性(大小、形状、明度、颜色等)受环境情况的影响而有所改变,但是对它的知觉却保持相对稳定性,知觉的这种特征,称为知觉的恒常性。

  • [单选题]进行德育时要有一定的理想性和方向性,以指导学生向正确的方向发展,此德育原则是( )。
  • 导向性原则

  • 解析:导向性原则是指进行德育时要有一定的理想性和方向性,以指导学生向正确的方向发展。这一原则是依据社会主义教育的性质和目的提出来的。故选择A。

  • [单选题]Teachers should actively use a variety of teaching resources,________, and design teaching process which is suitable for the development of students.
  • use textbooks flexibly and creatively

  • 解析:考查课程标准内容。教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序、教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Old stereotypes die hard.Picture a video-game player and you will likely imagine a teenage boy,by himself,compulsively hammering away at a game involving rayguns and aliens that splatter when blasted.Ten years ago that might have bome some relation to reality.But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds" on her smartphone.In AmericA.the biggest market,the average game-player is 37 years old.Two-fifths are female.   Over the past ten years the video-game industry has grown from a small business to a huge, mainstream one.With global sales of $56 billion in 2010,it is more than twice the size of the recorded-music industry.Despite the downturn,it is growing by almost 9% a year.   Is this success due to luck or skill? The answer matters,because the rest of the entertainment industry has tended to treat gaming as being a lucky beneficiary of broader technological changes. Video gaming,unlike musiC.film or television,had the luck to be born digital.In fact,there is plenty for old media to learn.   Video games have certainly been swept along by two forces: demography and technology.The first gaming generation-the children of the 1970s and early 1980s-is now over 30.Many still love gaming,and can afford to spend far more on it now.Meanwhile rapid improvements in computing power have allowed game designers to offer experiences that are now often more cinematic than the cinema.   But even granted this good fortune,the game-makers have been clever.They have reached out to new customers with new methods.They have branched out into education,corporate training and even warfare,and have embraced digital downloads and mobile devices with enthusiasm.Though big-budget games are still popular,much of the growth now comes from "casual" games that are simple,cheap and playable in short bursts on mobile phones or in web browsers.   The industry has excelled in a particular area-pricing.In an era when people are disinclined to pay for content on the weB.games publishers were quick to develop "freemium" models,where you rely on non-paying customers to build an audience and then extract cash only from a fanatical few.   As gaming comes to be seen as just another medium,its tech-savvy approach could provide a welcome shot in the arm for existing media groups.
  • The two examples in Paragraph l are used to illustrate that_______.

  • the video-game industry has grown rapidly

  • 解析:推断题。第一段第一句说“老成见总是难以改变”。接下来做了解释:谈到电子游戏玩家,你可能会想到一个小男孩独自入迷地玩游戏,在十年前这可能是现实;但十年后的今天可能是个中年的上班族在玩游戏。最后一句提到美国是最大的电子游戏市场,并交代了玩家的平均年龄和女性的人数。第二段开头紧接着讲“过去十年中,电子游戏行业已经从一个微不足道的小行业发展为一个庞大的主流产业”。可见第一段的两个例子作对比是用来说明十年中电子游戏行业由弱到强的变化。因此D项正确。A、B两项属于表面信息。C项是作者阐述观点前的反面沦证,不是用例子作对比的目的。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Scientists have been surprised at how deeply culture-the language we speak,the values we absorb-shapes the brain,and are rethinking findings derived from studies of Westerners.To take one recent example,a region behind the forehead called the medial prefrontal cortex supposedly represents the self: it is active when we ( "we" being the Americans in the study) think of our own identity and traits.But with Chinese volunteers,the results were strikingly different.The "me" circuit hummed not only when they thought whether a particular adjective described themselves,but also when they considered whether it described their mother.The Westerners showed no such overlap between self and mom.Depending whether one lives in a culture that views the self as autonomous and unique or as connected to and part of a larger whole,this neural circuit takes on quite different functions.   "Cultural neuroscience" ,as this new field is calleD.is about discovering such differences.Some of the findings,as with the "me/mom" circuit,buttress longstanding notions of cultural differences.For instance,it is a cultural cliche that Westerners focus on individual objects while East Asians pay attention to context and background (another manifestation of the individualism-collectivism split).Sure enough,when shown complex,busy scenes,Asian-Americans and non-Asian-Americans recruited different brain regions.The Asians showed more activity in areas that process figure-ground relations-holistic context-while the Americans showed more activity in regions that recognize objects.   Psychologist Nalini Ambady of Tufts found something similar when she and colleagues showed drawings of people in a submissive pose (head down,shoulders hunched) or a dominant one (arms crosseD.face forward) to Japanese and Americans.The brain's dopamine-fueled reward circuit became most active at the sight of the stance-dominant for Americans,submissive for Japanese-that each volunteer's culture most values,they reported in 2009.This raises an obvious chicken-and-egg question,but the smart money is on culture shaping the brain,not vice versa.Cultural neuroscience wouldn't be making waves if it found neurobiological bases only for well-known cultural differences.It is also uncovering the unexpected.For instance,a 2006 study found that native Chinese speakers use a different region of the brain to do simple arithmetic (3 + 4) or decide which number is larger than native English speakers do,even though both use Arabic numerals.The Chinese use the circuits that process visual and spatial information and plan movements (the latter may be related to the use of the abacus).But English speakers use language circuits.It is as if the West conceives numbers as just words,but the East imbues them with symboliC.spatial freight.(Insert cliche about Asian math geniuses.) "One would think that neural processes involvng basic mathematical computations are universal," says Ambady,but they "seem to be culture-specific".   Not to be the skunk at this party,but I thunk it's important to ask whether neuroscience reveals anything more than we already know from,say,anthropology.For instance,it's well known that East Asian cultures prize the collective over the individual,and that Americans do the opposite.Does identifying brain correlates of those values offer any extra insight? After all,it's not as if anyone thought those values are the result of something in the liver.   Ambady thinks cultural neuro-science does advance understanding.Take the me/mom finding,which,she argues,"attests to the strength of the overlap between self and people close to you in collectivistic cultures and the separation in individualistic cultures.It is important to push the analysis to the level of the brain." Especially when it shows how fundamental cultural differences are-so fundamental,perhaps,that "universal" notions such as human rights,democracy,and the like may be no such thing.
  • Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

  • The brain is believed to be influenced by different cultures.

  • 解析:推断题。文章首段第一句说“Scientists have been surprised at how deeply culture…shapes the brain”,结合下文讲述的文化神经科学的研究,可推出大脑(神经)受文化的影响,故本题选B。C项本身表述正确,但不是推断出的内容,它可以从原文第二段第三句直接得出。

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