正确答案: C

cognitively challenging

题目:For more advanced learners,group work may be more appropriate than pair work for tasks that are________.

解析:本题考查课堂活动形式的选择。题干:对于更高水平的学习者来说,在完成什么样的任务时采取group work会比pair work更合适?group work“小组活动”,即将学生分成若干个小组进行活动;pair work“结对活动”,即每两位学生一组进行活动。结对活动常用于那些需要更多控制性练习的低年级学生中,比如句型练习和对话练习,学生可以获得较多的练习机会。与小组活动相比,它更省时,易控制,教师可以有更多的时间进行解答、举例。而高年级的学生尽管有时也用结对活动,但在小组活动中,他们常常共同完成一些富有挑战性的任务,因此他们的主动性更强。相比较而言,小组活动更适合他们。A项“语言简单”,B项“结构控制”适合pair work。小组活动往往要有一个明确的主题,为学生指名任务方向,因此D项错误。

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  • [单选题]在学校教育中起关键作用的是( )。
  • 教师

  • 解析:教师是履行教育教学的专业人员。承担教书育人,培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人,提高民族素质的使命。在学校教育中起关键作用,故选择B。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Old stereotypes die hard.Picture a video-game player and you will likely imagine a teenage boy,by himself,compulsively hammering away at a game involving rayguns and aliens that splatter when blasted.Ten years ago that might have bome some relation to reality.But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds" on her smartphone.In AmericA.the biggest market,the average game-player is 37 years old.Two-fifths are female.   Over the past ten years the video-game industry has grown from a small business to a huge, mainstream one.With global sales of $56 billion in 2010,it is more than twice the size of the recorded-music industry.Despite the downturn,it is growing by almost 9% a year.   Is this success due to luck or skill? The answer matters,because the rest of the entertainment industry has tended to treat gaming as being a lucky beneficiary of broader technological changes. Video gaming,unlike musiC.film or television,had the luck to be born digital.In fact,there is plenty for old media to learn.   Video games have certainly been swept along by two forces: demography and technology.The first gaming generation-the children of the 1970s and early 1980s-is now over 30.Many still love gaming,and can afford to spend far more on it now.Meanwhile rapid improvements in computing power have allowed game designers to offer experiences that are now often more cinematic than the cinema.   But even granted this good fortune,the game-makers have been clever.They have reached out to new customers with new methods.They have branched out into education,corporate training and even warfare,and have embraced digital downloads and mobile devices with enthusiasm.Though big-budget games are still popular,much of the growth now comes from "casual" games that are simple,cheap and playable in short bursts on mobile phones or in web browsers.   The industry has excelled in a particular area-pricing.In an era when people are disinclined to pay for content on the weB.games publishers were quick to develop "freemium" models,where you rely on non-paying customers to build an audience and then extract cash only from a fanatical few.   As gaming comes to be seen as just another medium,its tech-savvy approach could provide a welcome shot in the arm for existing media groups.
  • The phrase "tech-savvy approach" in the last paragraph probably means________.

  • approach of using technology

  • 解析:含义题。根据题干关键词“tech-savvy approach”定位到最后一段。短语意为“________的途径(方法、策略)”。四个选项分别解释为“理解技术的途径”“利用技术的途径”“发展技术的途径”…“依赖技术的途径”。本文主要讲电子游戏行业发展壮大的原因,文中提到了科技进步的因素。最后一段提到“电子游戏行业 技术的运营策略对其他各种现有的媒体应当有很大的启示作用”,那么只能是“利用技术”,故本题选B。tech-savvy本意为“懂技术的,技术上内行的”,但此处作approach的定语,因此需要根据语境确定词汇意思,不能选择A项。

  • [多选题]中学生记忆的发展特点表现为( )。
  • 有意记忆逐渐占主导地位



  • 解析:中学生记忆的特点是:(1)记忆的容量日益增大,短时记忆广度接近成人;(2)对直观形象的材料记忆要优于抽象材料,对图形记忆要优于词语;(3)有意记忆逐渐占主导地位;(4)理解记忆成为主要记忆手段;(5)抽象记忆逐渐占据主导地位。而6至13岁,则为一生中记忆发展的黄金时期,故选A,B,C。

  • [单选题]早期文艺复兴运动中最杰出的艺术家和科学家的是( )。
  • 达·芬奇

  • 解析:达·芬奇是一位思想深邃,学识渊博、多才多艺的画家、天文学家、发明家、建筑工程师。他还擅长雕刻、音乐、发明、建筑,通晓数学、生理、物理、天文、地质等学科。代表作《蒙娜丽莎》、《岩间圣母》《最后的晚餐》等。故选择A。B选项,米开朗基罗,文艺复兴艺术家,代表作雕塑《大卫》,壁画《创世纪》等。C选项,安德烈亚斯·维萨留斯,是尼德兰(荷兰)医生、解剖学家,解剖学奠基人,代表作品《人体的构造》。D法兰西斯·培根被马克思誉为"英国唯物主义和整个近代实验科学的真正始祖",是"实验哲学之父","是近代自然科学直接的或感性的缔造者",也是现代生活精神的伟大先驱。主要著作有《新工具》、《论科学的增进》以及《学术的伟大复兴》等。

  • [单选题]在Word2003中,下面哪个视图方式是默认的视图方式( )。
  • 大纲视图

  • 解析:暂无

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