正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]消除增压器振动的方法可采用()。Ⅰ.换新转子;Ⅱ.换新轴承;Ⅲ.动平衡试验;Ⅳ.静平衡试验;Ⅴ.校中测量。
  • A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]桨叶上同一半径截面上的局部螺距的算术平均值称为该截面的()螺距。
  • 截面

  • [单选题]A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating ().
  • fuel supply

  • [单选题]After "F.W.E" is given, the air system is shut down, the () gear put in, all drains and indicator cocks opened, and the cooling water kept running.
  • turning

  • [单选题]The minimum speed an engine must attain before ignition can occur depends upon ().
  • all of the above

  • [单选题]The part of a windlass which physically engages the chain during hauling or paying out is the().
  • wildcat

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