正确答案: B


题目:孔子日:“上好礼,则民莫敢不敬。上好义,则民莫敢不服。上好信,则民莫敢不用情。夫如是,则四方之民襁负其子而至矣!焉用稼?”这段话表明孔子的施教内容( )。


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  • [单选题] In the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Newly created state colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological, and engineering fields. Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy. American scholars fanned out across much of the world-with support from the Ford Foundation, the Fulbright program, etc.-to promote the teaching of literature and the arts in an effort to make the case for democratic freedoms. In the America of our own time, the great educational challenge has become an effort. to strengthen the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math). There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines. India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership. At the same time, perhaps inevitably, the humanities-while still popular in elite colleges and universities-have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves. Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious credentials (资质) for most nonacademic careers. Undoubtedly American education should train more scientists and engineers. Much of the concern among politicians about the state of American universities today is focused on the absence of "real world" education-which means preparation for professional and scientific careers. But the idea that institutions or their students must decide between humanities and science is false. Our society could not survive without scientific and technological knowledge. But we would be equally impoverished without humanistic knowledge as well. Science and technology teach us what we can do. Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do. It is almost impossible to imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world. But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values. We have always needed, and we still need, both.
  • What is the author's opinion about today's education?

  • Americans do not pay enough attention to humanistic studies.

  • 解析:1.细节题。文中第三段最后一句提到“…because they do not generate grant mcome and because they provide no obvious credentials for most nonacademic careers”只有C项符合题意,故选C。 2.细节题。文中第一段提到“…science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem”即他们认为科技几乎可以解决所有的问题,故选D。 3.细节题。文中第一段中间提到了两次世界大战“Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world”即单纯凭借科技的力量很难创造一个繁荣、有序的世界,所以一些学者才开始倡导入文学科的学习,故选A。 4.推断题。文中最后两段都在讲人文学科的重要性,即作者对美国大学只重视科技方面学科的担忧,并强调人文学科和科技同样重要,故选B。 5.细节题。文中倒数第二段最后一句提到“Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do”即人文学科可以帮助我们了解自己应该做什么,选项D符合题意。

  • [单选题]初中教育具有基础性,它担任着双重的任务,是指( )。
  • 既为升学打基础,又为就业打基础

  • 解析:我国初中教育承担的双重任务是培养各行各业的劳动后备力量和为高一级学校输送合格新生。结合选项可知,C项内容符合题目要求。

  • [单选题]"不愤不启""不悱不发"见于( )。
  • 《论语》

  • 解析:《论语·述而》主张"不愤不启""不悱不发"。

  • [单选题]学习评价是对学生学习发展情况作出的价值判断。从评价的功能分析,随堂测验属于( )。
  • 形成性评价

  • 解析:形成性评价是在教学过程中为改进和完善教学活动而进行的对学生学习过程及结果的评价。它包括在一节课或一个课题的教学中对学生的口头提问和书面测验。形成性评价可以使教师和学生都能及时获得反馈信息,从而更好地改进教学过程,提高教学质量。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成1~5小题。   Passage 2   IF YOU want something done,the saying goes,give it to a busy person.It is an odd way to guarantee hitting deadlines.But a paper recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests it may,in fact,be true-as long as the busy person conceptualises the deadline in the right way.   Yanping Tu of the University of Chicago and Dilip Soman of the University of Toronto   examined how individuals go about both thinking about and completing tasks.Previous studies have shown that such activity progresses through four distinct phases: pre-decision,post-decision (but pre-action),action and review.It is thought that what motivates the shift from the decision-making stages to the doing-something stage is a change in mindset.   Human beings are a deliberative sort,weighing the pros and cons of future actions and remaining open to other ideas and influences.However,once a decision is taken,the mind becomes more "implemental" and focuses on the task at hand."The mindset towards 'where can I get a sandwich'," explains Ms Tu,"is more implemental than the mindset towards 'should I get a sandwich or not?'"   Ms Tu and Dr Soman advise in their paper that "the key step in getting things done is to get started." But what drives that? They believe the key that unlocks the implemental mode lies in how people categorise time.They suggest that tasks are more likely to be viewed with an implemental mindset if an imposed deadline is cognitively linked to "now" -a so-called like-the-present scenario.That might be a future date within the same month or calendar year,or pegged to an event with a familiar spot in the mind's timeline (being given a task at Christmas,say,with a deadline of Easter).Conversely,they suggest,a deadline placed outside such mental constructs (being "unlike-the-present" ) exists merely as a circle on a calendar,and as such is more likely to be considered deliberatively and then ignored until the last minute.   To flesh out this ideA.the pair carried out five sets of tests,with volunteers ranging from farmers in India to undergraduate students in Toronto.In one test,the farmers were offered a financial incentive to open a bank account and make a deposit within six months.The researchers predicted those approached in June would consider a deadline before December 31st as like-the-present.Those approached in July,by contrast,received a deadline into the next year,and were expected to think of their deadline as unlike-the-present.The distinction worked.Those with a deadline in the same year were nearly four times more likely to open the account immediately as those for whom the deadline lay in the following year.Arbitrary though calendars may be in parsing up the continuous fiow of time,humans parse their concept of time in line with them.   The effect can manifest itselfin even subtler ways.In another set of experiments,undergraduate students were given a calendar on a Wednesday and were asked to suggest an appropriate day to carry out certain tasks before the following Sunday.The trick was that some were given a calendar with all of the weekdays coloured purple,with weekends in beige (making a visual distinction between a Wednesday and the following Sunday).Others were given a calendar in which every other week,Monday to Sunday,was a solid colour (meaning that a Wednesday and the following Sunday were thus in the same week,and in the same colour).Even this minor visual cue affected how like-or unlike-the-present the respondents tended to view task priorities.   These and other bits of framing and trickery in the research support the same thesis: that making people link a future event to today triggers an implemental response,regardless of how far in the future the deadline actually lies.If the journey of l,000 miles starts with a single step,the authors might suggest that you take that step before this time next week.
  • What is the author's primary purpose in writing this passage?

  • Illustrating the key point in meeting a deadline.

  • 解析:主旨题。本文主要阐述了按时完成事情的关键,B项不符合文意;C、D两项均是文章的某个信息,并不能全面地描述作者的意图。故本题选A。

  • [单选题]当学生获得好的成绩后,老师和家长给予表扬和鼓励,这符合桑代克学习规律中的( )。
  • 效果律

  • 解析:效果律是指学习者在学习过程中所得到的各种正或负的反馈意见会加强或减弱学习者在头脑中已经形成的某种联结。老师家长给予表扬和鼓励符合桑代克学习规律的效果率。故选择D。A选项,准备律指学习者在学习开始时的预备定势(相当于动机的作用),当某一刺激与某一反应准备联结时,给予联结就引起学习者的满意,反之就会引起烦恼。B选项,练习律是指一个学会了的刺激一反应之间的联结,练习和使用越多,就越来越得到加强,反之会变弱。刺激一反应联结的应用会增强这个联结的力量,联结的失用(不练习)会导致联结的减与弱或遗忘。C选项,不是桑代克学习规律的内容。

  • [单选题]全面发展教育是为了促进人的全面和谐发展而实施的教育,学校进行全面发展教育的基本途径是( )。
  • 教学活动

  • 解析:教学是贯彻教育方针、实施全面发展教育、实现教育目的的基本途径。

  • [单选题]提出教学过程最优化思想的是( )。
  • 巴班斯基

  • 解析:提出教学过程最优化思想的是巴班斯基。故选择B。A项,赞科夫,苏联教育家,作品《教学与发展》。赞可夫提出了发展性教学理论的五条教学原则,即高难度、高速度、理论知识起主导作用、理解学习过程、使所有学生包括差生都得到发展的原则。C项,乌申斯基,俄国心理学家,作品有《人是教育的对象》,俄罗斯教育心理学奠基人。他的主要观点有"如果教育家希望从一切方面去教育人,那么就必须首先也从一切方面去了解人"(教师要了解学生身心发展规律);"一般来说,儿童是依靠形式、颜色、声音和感觉来进行思维的"(体现直观性教学原则)。D项,维果茨基,苏联建构主义心理学家,提出文化历史发展理论。强调语言,尤其是自我中心语言,对心理发展的作用。提出了最近发展区。

  • [单选题]某班的班干部在看到班上的同学违反纪律时,会将情况报告给老师,这体现出的高级情感是( )。
  • 道德感

  • 解析:道德感是用一定的道德标准去评价自己或他人的思想和言行时产生的情感体验。

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