正确答案: A
题目:我国农历以干支纪年。公元1976年是农历丙辰年,据此推算,公元1977年应该是( )。
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[单选题]"十年离别后,长大一相逢,问姓惊初见,称名忆旧容",这是一种( )。
[单选题]心理定势对解决问题具有( )。
[单选题]班集体生活的成员意愿的反应是( )。
[单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。
Passage 2
As regards social conventions,we must say a word about the well-known English class system.This is an embarrassing subject for English people,and one they tend to be ashamed of,though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less,and the class systemless rigiD.But it still exists below the surface.Broadly speaking,it means there are two classes,the“middle class”and the“working class”.(We shall ignore for a moment the old“upper class”,including the hereditary aristocracy,since it is extremely small in numbers;but some ofits membershave the right to sit in the House of lords,and some newspapers take surprising interest in theirprivate life.) The middle class consists chiefiy of well-to-do businessmen and professional people of all kinds.The working class consists chiefiy of manual and unskilled workers.
The most obvious difference between them is in their accent.Middle-class people use slightlyvarying kinds of“received pronunciation”which is the kind of English spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils.Typical working-class people speak in many different local accentswhich are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducateD.One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system.To have been to a so-called“public school”immediately marks you out as one ofthe middle class.The middle classes tend to live a more formallife than working-class people,and are usually more cultured.Their midday meal is“lunch”andthey have a rather formal evening meal called“dinner”,whereas the working man's dinner,if hisworking hours permit,is at midday,and his smaller,late-evening meal is called supper.
As we have said,however,the class system is much less rigid than it was,and for a longtime it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions.Working-class students very commonly receive a university education and enter the professions,and working-class incomeshave grown so much recently that the distinctions between the two classes are becoming less andless clear.However,regardless of one's social status,certain standards ofpoliteness are expected ofeverybody,and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets,and treats a laborer with the samerespect he gives an important businessman.Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike.Eventhe word “sir”,except in school and in certain occupations (e.g.commerce,the army,etc.) soundstoo servile to be commonly used.
The“upper class”in England today_______.
include the hereditary aristocracy
解析:细节题。第一段中间括号部分指出“...the old ‘upper class’,including the hereditary aristocracy,since it is extremely small in numbers...”,故本题C项正确。
[单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。
Passage 2
For Chen Hua.28,an automobile engineer in Shanghai,reading out English text aloud aftertaking pronunciation lessons on a mobile app has become an evening routine.Chen might skip dinner,but wouldn't trade even one language class delivered by the app for anything.
Not having been using English much since leaving college,Chen feels the pressure to pickit up using spare time.The“pressure”arises from a constant fear of being left behind as English-proficient peers appear to get ahead.Academic circles refer to this as “middle-class anxiety”,whichis grasping some sections of China's population.
In a report released by leading online recruiter Zhaopin in January,one-fourth of surveyed white-collar workers said they feel more stressed than inspired,citing reasons from unstable paychecks to gloomy career prospects.Most important of all,many people worry that the worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications could erode due to thriving technological progress,globalism and entrepreneurship.
“Intensified peer pressure,especially at workplaces,is one factor that fuels our business,”saidWang Yi,CEO of Liulishuo,an English-learning app that Chen uses every day.Wang,a Princeton computer science graduate and former product manager at Google InC.launched the app over fiveyears ago with the intention to disrupt China's hidebound brick-and-mortar language schools.
Liulishuo——it is Chinese for“speaking fluently”—brings social media and gaming elementsto the genre.Wang said that unlike pre-school or K12 education,the adult-learning market is characterized by an inherent desire for self-improvement.Students of online adult education coursesfeel the fee is money well spent.
To personalize offerings,liulishuo has introduced big data and algorithms to quantify multiple dimensions of speech,as well as automatically tailor courses so that the courses could walk a fineline between challenging the students and discouraging them to the extent that they quit learning.
Actually,this is not just confined to language courses.China's growing learners have shownthey will spend time on the right educational programs.
Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
Online Adult Education Gaining Popularity
解析:主旨题。文章第一、二、三段以Chen Hua的经历为例,结合一篇报道,讲述了白领面对着来自同龄人的压力,需要不断学习,避免落后;第四、五、六段以“流利说”这一线上学习软件为例,说明了“流利说”成功的原因之一是上班族面临日益增长的压力需要不断充实自己。文章最后一段表明越来越多的学习者将会花时间在一些在线学习项目上。整篇文章主要说明了在线成人教育越来越受欢迎。因此本题选B。
[单选题]为纪念卫国战争胜利70周年,俄罗斯2015年推出了根据同名小说改编的电影《这里的黎明静悄悄》新版。小说的作者是( )。