正确答案: A


题目:某县教育局长马某挪用教育经费,建造教育局办公大楼,对于马某,应当依法( )。


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  • [单选题]小贝通过设置学习目标、自我控制、复查等方式来促进学习。他使用的学习策略是( )。
  • 元认知策略

  • 解析:元认知策略是学生对自己认知过程的认知策略,即对信息加工过程进行调控的策略,包括对自己认知过程的了解和控制策略,有助于学生有效地安排和调节学习过程。

  • [单选题]王老师中途接手某班的班主任,发现学生最难情绪大,只要作业题目难一点或量大一点,就不能按时完成作业,而且在集体活动中经常叫苦叫累,如果你是王老师的活.可在全班进行( )。
  • 意志品质的培养

  • 解析:意志的基本品质包括自觉性、果断性、自制性和坚韧性四方面。学生不能按时交作业,而且在集体活动中经常叫苦叫累等情况是缺乏意志的自觉性、自制性等品质,班主任可对学生进行意志品质的培养。

  • [单选题]Passage 1   In recent years, however, society has cometo understand the limitations of schoolsthat merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottomone-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked--fail to develop the foundational reading,writing, and mathematical proficiencies needed to survivein, let alone contribute to, an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today, in asking schools toleave no child behind, society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of therank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our academic achievement standards Every statehas them, and, as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for lakingsure that all students meet them.   To be clear, the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process.For the foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However,society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.   The implications of this change in missionfor the role of assessment are profound.   Assessment and grading procedures designecto permit only a few students to succeed(those at the top of the rank-order distribution)must now be revised to permit the possibilitythat all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, proceduresthat permitted(perhaps even encouraged)some students to give up in hopelessness andto stop trying must now be replaced by othersthat promote hope and continuous effort.In short, the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.   The students' mission is no longer merelyto beat other students in the achievementrace. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believethat all students can achieve a certain levelof academic success, must bring all of theirstudents to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiat edinstruction, and must guide all studentstoward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificialscarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperation and collaboration must come intoplay.   The driving forces must be confidence,optimism, and persistence--for all, not justfor some. All students must come to believethat they can succeed at learning if theytry. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.
  • Which is meant by the author about the emotional promise of assessment forstudents?

  • To build up their confidence insuccess

  • 解析:根据题干中的关键词emotional promise将答案:锁定在第三段和最后一段。根据第三段“Assessment and grading procedures... mustnow be revised to permit the possibility that allstudents could succeed at some appropriatelevel.. must now be replaced by others thatpromote hope and continuous effort ...”lak最后一段“The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificialscarcity of success..The driving forces must be confidence, optimism, and persistence..."可推断出作者表达的意思是通过评估改革,教师要激发学生的自信与希望,使他们相信通过不断的努力,终会取得成功。故选择B。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   As regards social conventions,we must say a word about the well-known English class system.This is an embarrassing subject for English people,and one they tend to be ashamed of,though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less,and the class systemless rigiD.But it still exists below the surface.Broadly speaking,it means there are two classes,the“middle class”and the“working class”.(We shall ignore for a moment the old“upper class”,including the hereditary aristocracy,since it is extremely small in numbers;but some ofits membershave the right to sit in the House of lords,and some newspapers take surprising interest in theirprivate life.) The middle class consists chiefiy of well-to-do businessmen and professional people of all kinds.The working class consists chiefiy of manual and unskilled workers.   The most obvious difference between them is in their accent.Middle-class people use slightlyvarying kinds of“received pronunciation”which is the kind of English spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils.Typical working-class people speak in many different local accentswhich are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducateD.One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system.To have been to a so-called“public school”immediately marks you out as one ofthe middle class.The middle classes tend to live a more formallife than working-class people,and are usually more cultured.Their midday meal is“lunch”andthey have a rather formal evening meal called“dinner”,whereas the working man's dinner,if hisworking hours permit,is at midday,and his smaller,late-evening meal is called supper.   As we have said,however,the class system is much less rigid than it was,and for a longtime it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions.Working-class students very commonly receive a university education and enter the professions,and working-class incomeshave grown so much recently that the distinctions between the two classes are becoming less andless clear.However,regardless of one's social status,certain standards ofpoliteness are expected ofeverybody,and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets,and treats a laborer with the samerespect he gives an important businessman.Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike.Eventhe word “sir”,except in school and in certain occupations (e.g.commerce,the army,etc.) soundstoo servile to be commonly used.
  • Why isn't the word“sir”commonly used in Britain?

  • Because it sounds too servile and is likely to cause embarrassment.

  • 解析:细节题。短文最后两句提到“Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike.Eventhe word 'sir',except in school and in certain occupations(e.g.commerce,the army,etc.) sounds too servile to be commonly used,",由此可看出“sir"这个词听起来显得过于卑下,会引起尴尬和不悦,所以无法广为使用。故本题A项正确。

  • [单选题]The risk ofinfection for that patient hasn't diminished after the operation._________,it hasincreased.
  • On the contrary

  • 解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。句意为“在手术后,那位病人的感染风险并没有降低, 增加了”。on the whole“整体上”;on the contrary“相反”,符合题意;on the average“一般说来”;on the other hand“另一方面”。故本题选B。

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