正确答案: C

the cylinder lubricators

题目:Before pumping up the crankcase oil,() should be worked by hand to minimize corrosive action on the liners.

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  • [单选题]柴油机吊缸时,不正确的做法是()。
  • 在拆卸下来的零件配合面上做好记号

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  • 以上均可

  • [单选题]螺旋桨的缺陷主要有()。Ⅰ.腐蚀;Ⅱ.桨脱落;Ⅲ.振动;Ⅳ.变形;Ⅴ.裂纹和折断。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]航行中的螺旋桨故障主要有()。Ⅰ.振动;Ⅱ.鸣音;Ⅲ.失去平衡;Ⅳ.桨叶折断;Ⅴ.桨叶穴蚀。
  • Ⅱ+Ⅲ

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  • [单选题]赛龙是由高性能热固性树脂合成的均质聚合物,具有()等特点。Ⅰ.弹性好;Ⅱ.耐磨性好;Ⅲ.耐蚀性好;Ⅳ.导热性好;Ⅴ.耐高温。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]() at the end of the distribution pipe ensures that adequate pressure is maintained by the pump.
  • An alarm

  • [单选题]The () of the lubricant should be sufficient to hold the film together, but it should allow the lubricant to flow easily.
  • viscosity

  • [单选题]The intake valves in a diesel engine are reseated by ().
  • valve spring

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