正确答案: A

cylinder covers

题目:Fresh water is used for the cooling of cylinder jackets and () of the marine diesel engine.

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  • [单选题]某些新型大型低速柴油机的气缸盖上,设有用来拆卸缸盖螺帽的液压装置(液压环)和配备了专用环形六角扳手,该扳手的作用是()。
  • 液压装置失效时,用来松开缸盖螺帽

  • [单选题]增压器转子动平衡检验后,要求达到()。
  • e≤[e]

  • [单选题]为了检验螺旋桨的螺距,测量时应测出()。Ⅰ.螺旋桨的半径;Ⅱ.桨叶厚度;Ⅲ.各半径截面局部螺距;Ⅳ.各桨叶平均螺距;Ⅴ.螺旋桨总螺距。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]Before being used the fuel service tank should be drained of ().
  • water and residual

  • [单选题](), so they are widely used on board ship nowadays.
  • Diesel engines have more advantages in comparison with gasoline engines

  • [单选题]Impurities in the fuel oil will affect the operation of the engine, which has () the use of separator and some other devices.
  • brought about

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