正确答案: C


题目:下列选项中,被老舍评价为"鬼狐有性格,笑骂成文章"的作品是( )。


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  • [单选题]为了添置教育教学设备,某初级中学通过向学生推销学习和生活用品获取经费。学校这种做法( )。
  • 违反法律规定,应当追究责任

  • 解析:《中华人民共和国教育法》第七十九条规定:学校及其他教育机构违反国家有关规定向受教育者收取费用的,由教育行政部门责令退还所收费用;对直接负责主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。故选择C。

  • [单选题]一份教案的核心是( )。
  • 设计教学进程

  • 解析:教案的基本组成部分和核心是教学进程,内含教学纲要和教学活动安排,教学方法的具体应用和各种组成部分的时间分配等。故选择C。

  • [单选题]教师提出"你是行可以用另外一种方式来表达"或"如果把这个答案用于其他情况下会怎样"的问题诱导学生展现出更多他们所知道的,进而了解他们到底对学习内容掌握了多少,教师所提问题属于( )。
  • 探询性问题

  • 解析:探询性问题是在学生对问题有了一个回答以后接着追问的一个问题,用于以下方面:

  • [单选题]我们对优秀学生进行奖励,不仅可以鼓励优秀学生也可以鼓励一般学生,是因为一般学生受到了( )。
  • 替代强化

  • 解析:直接强化,即通过外部因素对学习行为予以强化,如奖励与惩罚便是学习中常用的两种强化形式:替代强化,即通过一定的榜样来强化相应的学习行为或学习行为倾向。替代惩罚是观察者由于看到别人某一行为受到惩罚,而减少自己同样行为的倾向,即观察到的消极后果具有减弱人们以相同或相关的方式去行事的倾向。题于描述的是替代性强化。

  • [单选题]学校有目的、有计划、系统地对学生进行德育的最基本途径是( )。
  • 各学科教学

  • 解析:思想品德课与其他学科教学是学校有目的、有计划、系统地对学生进行教育的基本途径。

  • [单选题] Which of the following sounds is a voiced bilabial stop?
  • [b]

  • 解析:考查辅音的发音特征。[b]是带声的、双唇音和爆破音。

  • [单选题] Many years ago, I came across a book by Anthony de Mello called Awareness.De Mello was an Indian Jesuit priest whose writing was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church.To me, he is a great source of inspiration, and he has much to say about happiness and pain.Life is easy; life is delightful.It′s only hard on your illusions, your ambitions, your greed, and your cravings. One of De Mello′s key messages is that, by nature, life is not a struggle.Attachment- greed, craving, ambition-is the cause of all misery, and so to be detached is to be happy.Does this mean we should have no preferences?Should we not want to achieve more?Should we not desire and seek out the good things in life?I think it would be absurd to say that we should have no preference between different experiences and conditions, but a distinction needs to be made between preference and attachment.We are surrounded by contrast, and one can choose-and enjoy-different experiences, without being attached to them.To enjoy someone′s company without being clingy, to feel great pleasure when watching the sunset on a cool summer evening without mourning the coming of the night-we can have preferences and make choices about what we experience without craving them.We are free to choose-and to prefer-some conditions over others.But when our preferences become cravings, then life becomes a struggle to achieve these conditions, and once we have achieved them, we start to worry about losing them. An analogy might be going for a long walk in the country-there will be various different scenes, and each one can be enjoyed.Perhaps you have some preference for a certain view or a particular spot on the walk, and you might linger in one place for a while, but all of the different parts of the walk can be enjoyed along the way. Happiness, it seems, is to accept the world as it is, enjoying the journey as we pass through and being appreciative of each stage on the way.If it is peace you want,seek to change yourself, not other people.It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth. Trying to change the world in a forceful way is a foolish endeavor.Changing yourself may, in time, change things around you, but to"take on" the world will probably not achieve much.Force may result in change, but it will be temporary and easily reversed.Real change is the result of quiet, patient working with the natural flow of things, just as water can cut a deep valley in a landscape. Lao Tze, the semi-mythical Taoist sage, is said to have written in the Tao Te Ching, "By letting it go it all gets done.The world is won by those who let it go.But when you try and try, the world is beyond the winning."
  • What does the statement "By letting it go it all gets done" (in the last paragraph) imply?

  • The world is full of struggle if we attach it a lot.

  • 解析:1.由文章第二段第二句话"Attachment-greed,craving,ambition-is the cause of all misery,and so to be detached is to be happy."可知"the attachment"是幸福的杀手。 2.由文章倒数第二段最后一句话"…just as water can cut a deep valley in a landscape."可知,作者欣赏的是静水流深的特性。A项是"静水流深",B项是"滴水穿石",C项是"有志者,事竟成",D项是"水至清则无鱼",故选A。 3.由文章第一段"To me,he is a great source of inspiration"可知,受到谴责是因为他的书给人灵感,而这正是当时宗教所不容许的。故答案选A。 4.文章最后一句引用了老子的《道德经》中的话:只有放手才能赢得世界,获得幸福;不断尝试是无用的。可知,幸福来源于对自身的满足。故答案选B。 5.老子的这句话是来支持作者观点的,作者围绕着"幸福"来展开叙述,并介绍获得幸福的方法。故答案选C。

  • [单选题]I'm getting tired-it's time_________.
  • we got some rest

  • 解析:本题考查虚拟语气。it's (high/about) time+ that从句表示“是(早)该做……的时候了”,从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should+动词原形(should不可省略)。选项中只有A项符合题意。

  • [单选题]大航海时代,长期在海上航行的水手经常得坏血病,有些水手上岸后吃些柑橘、蔬菜,坏血病就痊愈了。科学家研究发现,果蔬中存在着一种可治愈坏血病的物质。该物质是
  • 维生素

  • 解析:坏血病又称维生素C缺乏症,是维生素C缺乏或长期摄入不足所致的疾病。病期患者应多进食富含维生素C的食物,包括新鲜水果和绿色蔬菜等。

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