正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]动力系统包括下列管路系统()。
  • A+B+C

  • [单选题]() is the removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air.
  • Scavenging

  • [单选题]Leaky exhaust valve will result in which of the following?()(1) high exhaust temperature;(2) low compression pressure;(3) low firing pressure.
  • (1),(2) and (3)

  • [单选题]The space between cylinder liner and jacket is called ().
  • the cooling water space

  • [单选题]There should be a lubricating oil () between the main beatings and the crankshaft.
  • film

  • [单选题]Those generally used additives for cooling water are either anti-corrosion oils or inorganic().
  • inhibitors

  • [单选题]What causes diesel fuel to be ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine?()
  • Heat of compression

  • [单选题]Maintaining the close tolerances in diesel fuel pumps and injectors requires the use of().
  • fuel filter

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