正确答案: B
题目:Which of the following best describes the relation between night and knight?
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[单选题]在一堂化学课上,张老师运用分子模型和挂图,帮助学生认识乙醛的分子结构。张老师采用的教学方法是( )。
[单选题]关于全面发展的学生观的叙述不正确的是( )。
[单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。
Passage 1
teaching children to read well from the start is the most important task of elementary schools.But relying on educators to approach this task correctly can be a great mistake.Many schools continue to employ instructional methods that have been proven ineffective.The staying power ofthe“look-say”or“whole-word”method of teaching beginning reading is perhaps the most flagrant example of this failure to instruct effectively.
The whole-word approach to reading stresses the meaning of words over the meaning ofletters,thinking over decoding,developing a sight vocabulary of familiar words over developing the ability to unlock the pronunciation of unfamiliar words.It fits in with the self-directed,“learninghow to learn”activities recommended by advocates of“open”classrooms and with the concept that children have to be developmentally ready to begin reading.Before 1963,no major publisher putout anything but these“Run-Spot-Run”readers.
However,in 1955,Rudolf Flesch touched off what has been called“the great debate”in beginning reading.In his best-seller Why Johnny Can't Read,Flesch indicted the nation's publicschools for miseducating students by using the look-say methoD.He said-and more scholarlystudies by Jeane Chall and Rovert Dykstra later confirmed-that another approach to beginningreading,founded on phonics,is far superior.
Systematic phonics first teaches children to associate letters and letter combinations withsounds;it then teaches them how to blend these sounds together to make words.Rather than building up a relatively limited vocabulary of memorized words,it imparts a code by which thepronunciations of the vast majority of the most common words in the English language can belearned.Phonics does not devalue the importance of thinking about the meaning of words andsentences;it simply recognizes that decoding is the logical and necessary first step.
One major difference between the“look-say”method of learning reading and the phonicsmethod is________.
phonics gives readers access to far more words
解析:细节题。最后一段分析了系统拼读法( systematic phonics)的好处,由该段中的“Ratherthan building up a relatively limited vocabulary of memorized words,it imparts a code by which the pronunciationsof the vast majority of the most common words in the English language can be learned.”可知这种方法能使学习者获得更大的词汇量。故本题选D。
[单选题]学生在欣赏毛泽东的《沁园春·雪》时,脑海中会想象北国的雪景和祖国山河的壮丽景象。其心理过程是( )。
[单选题]体育方面的球类、体操、田径属于( )。