正确答案: D


题目:Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owner or sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteria ()is not a project selection method.

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  • [单选题]()is the budgeted amount for the work actually completed on the schedule activity or WBS component during a giving time period.
  • Earned value

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"budgeted amount for the work actually completed",其语句结构为"()(主语)is(谓语)the budgeted amount for the work actually completed",含义为"什么是实际完成工作对应的预算",容易判断该语句正是挣值( Earned value)的定义。

  • [单选题]Organizations perform work to achieve a set of objectives. Generally, work can be categorized as either projects or operations, although the two sometimes are()
  • overlap

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"categorizedprojects or operations",其语句结构为"Generally,work(主语)can be categorized(谓语)as either projects or operations, althoughthe two(主语)sometimes are()(谓语)",含义为"通常,工作可以分类为项目型和运作型工作,尽管两者有时(?)",因两者既有相同之处,也有不同的地方,所以选择C。选项D对应的单词"dissever"疑为拼写有误。

  • [单选题]In approximating costs, the estimator considers the possible causes ofvariation of the cost estimates, including()
  • risk

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"approximating costs、 causes ofvariation",其语句结构为"the estimator (主语)considers(谓语)the possible causes ofvariation of the cost estimates, including()",含义为"估算人员考虑对成本估算可能造成影响的原因,包括什么"。估算成本考虑不确定性,而不确定性正是风险的一个基本特征,所以选择选项C。

  • [单选题]()is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes.
  • Polymorphism

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"an abstract operation、 performed in different ways in different classes",其语句结构为"()is a property of object-oriented software",含义为"什么是面向对象软件的一个特性",结合关键词分析,容易判断这是面向对象中的多态性概念(Polymorphism)。

  • [单选题]Contract closeout is a process that involves()
  • Product verification and administrative closeout

  • [单选题]The connection between two networks from an intemet is handled by a machine known as a()
  • router

  • 推荐下载科目: 管理科学基础知识题库 软件构件技术和软件体系结构题库 典型应用集成技术题库 初级信息处理技术员题库 项目风险管理题库 外包管理题库 需求管理题库 文档与配置管理题库 组织级项目管理与大型项目管理题库 软件工程知识题库
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