正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]航行中,柴油机曲轴发生断裂事故,条件许可时可采用()应急措施进行修理。Ⅰ.金属扣合工艺;Ⅱ.焊接;Ⅲ.局部更新;Ⅳ.铆接;Ⅴ.粘接。

  • [单选题]() of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called the scavenging air box.
  • At the top

  • [单选题]The cross-head shoes are white metal lined, grooves being cut horizontally on the face of the white metal to ensure ().
  • an adequate supply of lube oil

  • [单选题]The rate of cylinder lubricating oil metered to each cylinder of a large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine is ()
  • higher at sea than while maneuvering

  • 推荐下载科目: 船机零件的摩擦与磨损题库 液压阀的故障分析题库 船舶直流电路题库 声响和灯光信号题库 系、离泊操纵题库 船舶空气调节装置题库 船舶辅锅炉装置题库 柴油机的起动、换向和操纵系统题库 船舶资源管理题库 船机零件的修复工艺题库
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