正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]船舶动力装置的管路系统,按用途不同可分为()类,即()。
  • 2/动力系统、辅助系统

  • [单选题]MAN-B&W公司推出的标准废气锅炉系统,主要特点是废气锅炉为单压蒸汽系统;产生饱和蒸汽供加热之需;废气锅炉与燃油辅助锅炉之间有循环水泵并共用一个汽鼓,对其评价可选为()。
  • 具有明显的简单性和低投资成本,又完全满足船舶加热所需蒸汽量的要求

  • [单选题]A high temperature alarm or () which will melt is used to guard against the explosion of compressor air pipelines.
  • a fusible plug

  • [单选题]Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().
  • clogged filters

  • [单选题]It is important to use only pure lead and to choose a thickness of wire which is greater than the normal allowable clearance but () this amount.
  • not greater twice than

  • [单选题]The highest pressure in a diesel engine cylinder normally occurs ().
  • after TDC

  • [单选题]If your propeller is racing in rough weather,you should().
  • decrease your engine speed

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