活塞杆(piston rod)、中心线(center line)、活塞环槽(piston ring groove)、十字头销(crosshead pin)
A. 连杆大小端轴承孔的平行度的检查
B. 活塞环槽平面与活塞中心线垂直度的检查
C. 活塞与活塞杆的同轴度的检查
D. 活塞杆与十字头销(crosshead pin)的垂直度的检查
[单选题]The crankshaft of diesel engine is supported by ().
A. tension stretch
B. tie rods
C. through bolts
D. main bearing
[单选题]The film of oil between the rings and the liner is not only essential for the lubrication but also () achieving a gas seal.
A. play a great part on
B. run a role in
C. plays an important part in
D. acts as important part at